Monday, December 10, 2007


Yep it's true. Wait! Maybe I'd better find out which rumor you've heard. The ones that are true:
1. I got a lay off notice. Yep, I got a letter from my company, AFSC, on November 27th notifying me that my position has been abolished effective January 1. I was offered an entry level position in a different department, CAIS, where I started 3 years ago but declined. At this point in my life I don't want to move back 3 years professionally & I have been in intellectual conflict with my companies policies, procedures & processes since I started so time to move on. I am going for a position with the City of Red Deer (positive think for me people) that is both an excellent professional opportunity as well as a financial move up (better pay & benefits). Since I have already booked off my unpaid holidays my official last day is December 21st.
2. My brother is having a baby. Well his girlfriend, Crystal is. Yep my 19 year old brother & his girlfriend who shares my name are having a baby boy due May 9th. He is very excited so share your congratulations in excess. My mom is a little resistant to being called Grandma so I also encourage you to call her that as often as possible LOL
That's all I knows right now! (i did the inappropriate plural of "know" on purpose).

True dat

"To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early or be respectable." - Oscar Wilde