Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm in Love...

I've recently discovered a new show, Dexter [insert sigh here].

My attraction started right away with the opening credits. The music is quirky, off beat, catchy but not in that typical pop culture way. The imagery is graphic: mosquito caught in the act and then snapped out of it's existence, title coming into focus with blood oozing down, man cuts himself shaving and the dark red contrasting drops hit the white sink near the drain, followed by hot sauce dripping on eggs-over-easy, effortlessly being sliced through with a sharp sleek blade, a standard kitchen knife slices juicily through a orange, it's a blood orange and that soon becomes apparent as the life and it's juice is violently squeezed out of it. The final shots show his strength as he first flosses then tightens his shoe laces with a strength you just know could snuff the life out of someone. They had me with mosquito! Check out the opener for yourself on


Anyway "Dexter" came on after I had watched an episode of Cold Case. I was so intrigued I watched the entire episode all by myself in the darkness of my mother-in-law's living room. Of course there were many missing pieces of the series puzzle (aka back story) that I could not know but I still very much enjoyed the show & knew I wanted more. I've since rented the first season on DVD and have now enjoyed 7 episodes but am not yet at the one I caught on TV.

I must first warn you, before you decide to rent it for yourself, it is not for the faint of heart. Viewers discretion is advised as the show contains nudity, obscene language and violence. Or the trifecta as I call it. The base premise is that Dexter is your typical socio-path with no emotions or feelings. He moonlights as a serial killer who snuffs out the bad guys that got away while his day job is in forensic blood analysis. He is constantly on edge as he tries to fake his way to "human" but tends to identify more with the monsters he kills.

What draws me to such a show? I'm not positive. Possibly the same unidentified trait that got me reading true crime and vc andrews books in junior high. I am completely petrified of these monsters and the lives they destroy but at the same time fascinated with their stories. At one point I even considered a career as a Criminal Psychologist...however had a quick change of heart after watching the "Silence of the Lambs" in Grade 12.

I love "dexter" because it dares to be different. It dares to challenge us, the viewers, to like and cheer for a protaganist who might just be a bad guy as well. It gets additional brownie points for its well timed humour, potty mouthed sister character and for casting Julie Benz (one of my favorite actress finds that I love to watch). So I challenge you to watch it and let me know what your verdict is, have I become just another desensitized person in this warped world? Or is there a little evil in all of us that likes to be nurtured an hour a week?

If you want to watch the first episode for free here is parts 1 & 2:

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The "intelligence" of Fox TV

Have you ever gotten into a TV show in it's first few episodes, been left with a cliff hanger only to find out that the network in it's infinite wisdom, cancelled the show? This happens quite frequently as very high ratings are required for shows to maintain their timeslots and the general public seems to favor the ever stimulating reality television over quality writing these days. Don't let my snobbery fool you: I am a mega fan of Big Brother, America's Next Top Model and Hell's Kitchen. However I came across a message board discussing how Fox seems to ditch great, unique series' and I thought I'd dedicate a blog to some of my favorites from Fox that once got the cut...(and after doing some internet research added other network shows also.
For more info on any of these series' check out the amazing www.imdb.com

Strange Luck 1995/96 - featuring the very delicious D.B. Sweeney
Get Real 1999/2000
John Doe 2002/03 - starring the very yummy Dominic Purcell
Kitchen Confidentail 2005
Family Guy, yep although it returned & is currently on the air, fox axed it from their schedule TWICE
The Mole (reality show but way cool)

Other Networks:
Men Behaving Badly 1996
Inside Schwartz 2001/02
Popular 1999-2001
Breaker High 1997/98, ah Ryan Gosling
Two Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place 1998 - 2001, the adorable Ryan Reynolds
Family Plots 1994 (reality show again but way cool)
Life's Work 1996
Leap of Faith 2002
Committed 2005
the Naked Truth 1995-98, Tea Leoni
Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn - talk show, only a few episodes :-(

Best Game Show Ever: Supermarket Sweep!!

Recently Cancelled Potental Gems:
Miss Guided

Oh & apparently an Office spinoff is in the works. Woot!