Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How Life Changes...Part I

Well for those of you who don't know, I ended up getting laid off from my "traditional" day job working for the government, at Christmas. While getting laid off bruised my ego, I looked on the brightside of things which was that I didn't LOVE my job and I was just comfortable there. My analogy of it is, it's like when you have a boyfriend that you're just not that into, who you have considered breaking up with, but he dumps you first. It doesn't mean you want to date him again, it just bothers you that he ditched you first.
So, after many discussions with family & friends, I decided that I should take a much needed "break" from the workforce. I started my first official job at KFC when I was 15, I had been babysitting since I was 12 and hadn't had a break from school, work or both since! However very shortly after making this decision I decided to apply for a job with the City of Red Deer. The most attractive thing about this position was honestly the pay! I got myself an interview and was told I did a great job but they had an internal candidate with equal experience & education but she had the edge of being an internal candidate. Again I was okay with this decision as I would've just went straight from one blase job to the next.
I applied for several jobs that interest me and attempted to cross items off my "to do" list that I had been neglecting. Before I knew it the end of February was arriving, I didn't feel rested nor relaxed or even like I had accomplished anything. I had decided to embrace the business opportunity that BeautiControl had to offer and to do that 100% I wanted to attend their Leadership Conference in Dallas, Texas. About a week before I was scheduled to go I got a phone call from a chiropractor that had advertised a couple positions I had applied for about a month prior. He asked me to come in for an interview as the girl he had hired he "wasn't too sure was working out." At the interview there was only myself and one other girl. Chatting with her I discovered she was still in college. The interview was a group based one. First we were told about the position, then we were asked about 10 questions which we had to have written responses to, then we had a "test" that involved identifying transposed numbers, alphabetizing, and taking a personality test. We finished with a 30 second spiel in private on why we are the better candidate.
Most people know me well enough to know that at the mere mention of test & an indication that it was a "race" my competetive nature gets my adrenaline pumping and mixed with the iced caramel mochiatto i had, I got very very shaky. This served me well for the test (yep I got it done first & got a perfect score) but wasn't so great for the one-on-one part. I left thinking I had done my best but that I probably hadn't left the best impression. Needless to say I was quite surprised when the chiro doctor called me back to tell me I was his top choice and to schedule a time when I got back to meet and further discuss details...
More to come, stay tuned!


  1. Anonymous12:37 AM

    aaahhh...cliffhanger...please finish, and soon!!!! :)

  2. Your wish is my command! ha ha
