Friday, December 05, 2008

That Hypnotizing Idiot Box

Television. Both my best friend & my arch nemisis. At less than the cost of Starbucks each day I get access to an unlimited supply of mindless (& sometimes educational) entertainment. My love/hate relationship:

  • Love that it's cheap,

  • love that it isn't affected by the weather,

  • love it doesn't require 100% of my attention so I can exercise, scrapbook, clean etc while watching,

  • hate that I often GIVE it 100% of my attention,

  • love that it can be done by yourself or in a group,

  • love that thanks to my PVR I can watch awesome stuff whenever I want,

  • hate that thanks to my PVR I tend to watch much, much too much because I can tape it for later times so I end up watching stuff I probably wouldn't if I didn't have it,

  • love that it, somewhat, keeps me up to date on world happenings,

  • love that it makes me laugh,

  • hate that it makes me cry,

  • hate that it's impossible to shut off,

  • hate that it sucks away my motivation,

  • love that it brought me such amazingly awesome shows as the Office, Pushing Daisies, Sex & the City...

  • hate that it broght me shows such lame &/or disturbing shows such as South Park, Trailer Park Boys, Kink...

I'm sure I could think up tons more, but then I'll be spending time on the OTHER hypnotizing idiot box! What are your love/hates of TV?


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Where are you? I miss your blogging!

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    hmm, maybe the answer is downsizing? you have mentioned your tv shows on a few accounts? maybe it's time to "give up tv" for a period of time? That might give you the motivation you say you're seeking too?


  3. Hmm, not sure if I'm ready to give any up...LOL Maybe it's a matter of not watching TV on certain days or going back to my multitasking of scrapbooking while watching TV.

    -I'm here! Some new blogs coming soon!
