Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Love is...

On Thursday last week I came home from a chiro adjusterment and a massage feeling really wiped & sore but knowing I had two heaping baskets of personal laundry to do. My husband came bounding up the stairs with my freshly washed laundry minutes after I got home. I hadn't even asked him to do it.
Love is having someone know your intimate desires without you saying a word!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

If I won the lottery...

I'm trying to utilize "the Secret" more so I decided I would blog exactly what I would do with my money once I win the lottery (ideally). That way I can also figure out how much I need to win LOL

In no particular order:

1. Buy my parents a house in the town/city I want to live in.

2. Buy any of the following a home in the town/city I want to live in (within reason, for example some might get a condo some might get a house): My Aunt Darlene, My Grandma Ghislaine, My Grandma Johnson, My Aunt Sara, My Uncle Richard, Tyler's Mom, Tyler's Neice (in her name but allow Kim & Tyrone to live there LOL).

3. Build my dream home including:

-indoor (with outdoor capablities) swimming pool, heated

-large library style office

-front attached garage

-theatre room complete with theatre seating, projector & screen, popcorn machine...

-nice yard

-Master Suite (corner jet tub, 2 person shower, double sinks, separate toilet room, 2 walk-in closets)

-minimum 2 bdrms + guest room

-home gym with tv (digital cable) and elliptical trainer

4. Buy myself a nice new vehicle like an SUV &/or Jeep &/or Honda Civic. Buy Tyler a nice vehicle.

5. Give Tyler $30,000 to fix up his Pontiac.

6. Set up education funds for our (future) children.

7. Rent out our current home or possibly sell it and buy 2 smaller properties to rent out or possibly allow one of my friends/family to live in it.

8. Pay off my student debt & credit card debt.

9. Hire a full time hair stylist, chef, gardner and maid (different people).

10. Travel to New York (yes again. Spend as LONG as I want there), Greece, Italy, Austrailia, Europe and many many more places.

11. Quit my day job.

12. Buy presents for my friends. I'm not sure what presents & which friends but it'll happen. I want to help people out but I don't want to set the up for failure either (as Dr.Phil says "money doesn't solve money problems") But maybe an all expense paid trip somewhere.

13. Have some babies. Hopefully twins.
14. Try to get some backstage passes for "the Office".
15. Donate to SPCA regularly.

I'm sure there's much, much more but I'm running out of time in my work day. Basically I need the whole $40 million from this Wednesday's 6-49!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

This Morning...

Knackered: adjective British Slang. exhausted; very tired
I am knackered. I set my alarm for about 5:50am so that I could go for a morning swim and instead I played snooze button until 7:30am at which time I then had to hustle my butt to be on time for work. I stopped and got a medium coffee on the way in. I only get coffee or drink coffee about 20% of the time.
Last night I had a weird dream. I dream that I was having surgery: both liposuction and some other mystery surgery. The actual dream took place as I was waking from the first surgery. I felt a bit stiff and not sore yet but I knew I was on some painkillers and that they might wear off at any moment. That is a WEIRD feeling, impending pain. So in the dream they had lipo'ed my stomach but only a little bit of my legs so I was oddly porportioned...and had creepy scars. That'll teach me to watch a 30 second clip about a surgery show before I fall asleep.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Banff Part I

So despite the fact that I have about a bazillion things to do workwise, I am SO not in the mood for work so thought I'd work on journalling our trip to Banff (the non-fat part).
We drove to Calgary, where we spent some quality time with our niece Kira, then drop onwards to Banff. Arriving at about 3:30pm we found the map a bit deceiving in terms of distance: we thought everything was a lot farther away from things then they were. Which is mostly a good thing LOL So it turns out that our hotel, the Rimrock Resort, is a very short walk to the Gondola ride and the Hot Springs. Bonus! Our hotel was really beautiful and our room got upgraded so we got a view of Rundle (I believe) Mountain. The room itself was nice but nothing to right home about...it just had all the basics. After checking in we decided to grab a few phamplets of local activities and then take the bus into town for some window shopping and dinner. Since we aren't much for clubbing we decided we would shop until about 8:30pm (stores closed at 9pm) then go for dinner. We had fun looking into the shops and when we headed to the Saltlik (it was suggested to us) we were informed that it would be a 1.5 hour wait! Guess everyone had the same idea as us LOL So we wandered over to Giorgio's Trattoria to see if the wait would be less there. It was only about ten minutes there.
Giorgio's was kind of a fancy place. I decided to order a crab risotto and Tyler got a stuffed pork chop. Then, last minute I decided to order the antipasto appetizer. What an experience that was :-) Tyler and I aren't that fancy of people. I thought it was like that mixed stuff and crackers...instead it was a platter of greens, weird meat slices, olives (yummy), white beans, and strong cheese. Some of it was good, some okay, and some gross. We had fun with it but probably wouldn't order it again! The rest of our meal was good. Then we each had dessert...and a few drinks. Our bill came to about $130! Just for the two of us...we are expensive.
Then we took a brisk walk to the bus stop & waited for it to come...then saw it coming on the other side of the road. So we ran across and flagged it down. The bus driver was super nice, and the bus went right to our hotel door. The moutain air really exhausted us so we settled in for an "early" night shortly before midnight and not sure what we were doing the next day. We were considering:
-ATV ride
-White Water Rafting
-Horse Ride
-Hot Springs

This morning...

I went swimming again. The first time in about a month. I don't know why it is so hard for me to stay motivated or to stick to stuff. Anyhoo the swim went well but now I am starving and tired.