Tuesday, June 05, 2007

This Morning...

Knackered: adjective British Slang. exhausted; very tired
I am knackered. I set my alarm for about 5:50am so that I could go for a morning swim and instead I played snooze button until 7:30am at which time I then had to hustle my butt to be on time for work. I stopped and got a medium coffee on the way in. I only get coffee or drink coffee about 20% of the time.
Last night I had a weird dream. I dream that I was having surgery: both liposuction and some other mystery surgery. The actual dream took place as I was waking from the first surgery. I felt a bit stiff and not sore yet but I knew I was on some painkillers and that they might wear off at any moment. That is a WEIRD feeling, impending pain. So in the dream they had lipo'ed my stomach but only a little bit of my legs so I was oddly porportioned...and had creepy scars. That'll teach me to watch a 30 second clip about a surgery show before I fall asleep.

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