Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Joy Journal

I re-watched the Secret this weekend and realized fully that I am entirely too negative. Last year my therpist told me to keep a "Joy Journal" and write down daily the things that had brought me joy. Here's a few things to catch up:

Brought me JOY

1. Thinking about my 'Tea of the Month' coming.

2. Getting a Free slush today.

3. Seeing my name in print under the "$1000 Party Sales" in my company's newsletter.
4. Picking up my puppies from Cheryl on Monday.
5. Getting my reimbursement cheque for benefits in the mail today.
6. My bosses' being out this afternoon; peaceful.
7. Having a FREE evening tonight.
8. Downloading "Cupid's Chokehold" last week.
9. Finally solving a Sudoku today.
10. Having a chance to write on my blog today!!


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I love the idea of a joy journal! :) That is so good. It also gets a habit of also writing regularily (hopefully) in a journal. I am a strong believer of journals!

    So here's a question - is having an opinion "negativity"? Like, having an opinion that tyrone is a loser.. is that being negative or having an opinion? or having a negative opinion.. and thus - is that bad? (just curious)

  2. Is a negative opinion negativity? That's an excellent question. I don't know! But I guess my concern with myself is that I don't just have a negative opinion about something, I tend to dwell on that topic and wallow in the negativity. You know?
