Monday, April 21, 2008

Texas' Most Eligible Bachelor: Nate!

the Cutest Boy/Man in Texas:

When I went to Dallas for my BeautiControl Leadership conference I had the pleasure of meeting lots of fabulous people. One of which is Nate! While Diane & I were eating our breakfast at the airport & waiting for our flight, Nate was our server. He was completely adorable, funny, cute oh and gave great service as a waiter. I couldn't help myself, I had to ask if he was single & in the market for a girlfriend as I have a few single lady friends who would benefit from meeting him!

Well Nate proved himself to be a good sport & very friendly. He gave me his email that I can use to hook him up with some Canadian hotties. Though he did express some concern, asking us "Do y'all do this for a livin'?" The whole thing is a hilarious story from start to finish but writing it on here wouldn't do it justice so you have to ask for the in-person telling of it! In the meantime, check out these pics I could salvage of Nate from his and drop me a line if you're interested in writing him. He has no age restrictions or "type" and his major priority is "no bad breath & good teeth". LOL But don't confuse this with desperation, he was just putting his trust in me that I'll find him a great lady!


1. with some peeps

2. with his sister, & check out those pants, you know he has a sense of humor!

3. st. patty's day

Movie: August Rush

I knew, from the moment I saw the previews, that I would like this movie. Do you every have that feeling? That no matter what happened in the movie you were going to like it? I have had it a few times & this was one of them.

First off, I would just like to say that my opinion of Keri Russell, the lead actress, has really improved over the last two movies I've seen her in. I used to watch her in 'Felicity' back in my high school days and like her originally but as the series got lame my feelings transfered to her. So I avoided movies with her in them for a while. However, I watched 'Waitress' a few months back and she did an amazing job portraying a difficult character but keeping her likeable. It was a fresh movie concept compared to most of them out there. And left me feeling all warm & fuzzy. Well August Rush was the same so kudos to Keri for making great movie choices.

August Rush: the movie starts out in present day with an 11 year old orphan boy who hears music in everything around him. For some reason he knows that if he can capture that music and play it, his real parents will find him. I don't want to give much else away as it'll take away from the magic of the movie. I've heard the movie described as fairy tale like and I agree. Oh & yes I shed many tears during it.

Talent: the actors

Freddie Highmore - the boy. You might have seen him in Finding Neverland or Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. He's completely adorable & lovable in the latter & I have yet to see FN but I'm sure it's amazing too.

Keri Russell - his mom who comes from a classical background (cellist).

Jonathan Rhys Meyers - his dad who comes from a rock band & irish background.

Terrence Howard - a social worker who actually cares. I've seen this actor in 'the Brave One', 'Crash', and 'Awake' and I've liked his work in all of those.

Robin Williams - lets just say I liked him better when he played a happier character like Mrs. Doubtfire.

*Another movie with Keri Russell that I love is 'The Curve'. If you haven't seen it you MUST check this one out.