Monday, April 21, 2008

Texas' Most Eligible Bachelor: Nate!

the Cutest Boy/Man in Texas:

When I went to Dallas for my BeautiControl Leadership conference I had the pleasure of meeting lots of fabulous people. One of which is Nate! While Diane & I were eating our breakfast at the airport & waiting for our flight, Nate was our server. He was completely adorable, funny, cute oh and gave great service as a waiter. I couldn't help myself, I had to ask if he was single & in the market for a girlfriend as I have a few single lady friends who would benefit from meeting him!

Well Nate proved himself to be a good sport & very friendly. He gave me his email that I can use to hook him up with some Canadian hotties. Though he did express some concern, asking us "Do y'all do this for a livin'?" The whole thing is a hilarious story from start to finish but writing it on here wouldn't do it justice so you have to ask for the in-person telling of it! In the meantime, check out these pics I could salvage of Nate from his and drop me a line if you're interested in writing him. He has no age restrictions or "type" and his major priority is "no bad breath & good teeth". LOL But don't confuse this with desperation, he was just putting his trust in me that I'll find him a great lady!


1. with some peeps

2. with his sister, & check out those pants, you know he has a sense of humor!

3. st. patty's day

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