Tuesday, July 15, 2008


It has been AGES since I've written a blog. I've had tons of ideas but haven't been disciplined enough to sit down and write. Here's a few tid bits to tie y'all over:
1) I was born Sept 23 which is considered on the "cusp" of the astrological signs Virgo & Libra. Thus I tend to display some characteristics of both signs, though since the moon was in Libra the date/time/year I was born I consider myself a Libra about 99%...here's a description of the signs from a not-so-recent email:

VIRGO - The Perfectionist (Aug 23 - Sept 22) - Dominant In relationships.
Conservative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very
smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to
talk to. Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy.

LIBRA - The Harmonizer (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. Have own unique appeal.
Creative, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. Peaceful, generous.
Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. Give in too easily.
Procrastinators. Very gullible.
So which one do you think I fit into more?
2) On one of my many car rides recently I came to the conclusion that commericals on TV are so powerful they can dominate associations. What I mean by this is that, when a commerical uses a song for instance, to advertise their product, it is forever burned in our brains to associate that song with that commerical. Some examples:
More than a Feeling - Boston for Boston Pizza
Choo Choo Boogie (a.k.a. Chew Chew) for Trident
3) I'm not sure why but I came up with the following scenerio...sort of a "what would you do" hypothetical.
Situation: man & woman are trying to have a baby. Along the way the woman unfortunately gets raped. She finds out she is pregnant some time after. It's possible that the baby is fathered either by her spouse or her rapist. Would you,
a) decide to keep the baby?
b) if keeping the baby, do a paternity test to determine the biological father?
So like I said, very bizarre thought process and I can't remember what triggered it but I thought it posed an interesting blog topic!
4) Hmm, well that's about it for now. Just wanted to let you know that I am alive & well and hope to begin contributing to my blog on a regular basis (at least weekly) soon...
P.S. I am still in love with "Dexter"...I am currently watching season two on tv and awaiting the dvd release in august or september. Season three begins in september but i don't know if i have the right channel for it :-(
P.P.S. The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger's famous movie project is released this Friday. I can't wait!
P.P.P.S. Step Up 2 was released on DVD today & I bought it along with Step Up 1...loves it...and totally loves "So You Think You Can Dance 4"


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Hmm, very random thoughts! :) I think you are definitely more Libra-like. Y'know what? I was born a Libra but was due a Virgo and I don't think I sound like either!
    Okay, that whole pregnancy/rape scenario...very intense. Can you do a paternity test before the baby is born??? That is what I would do...can you imagine? Yikes.
    - Diana

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    it's about time you blogged! Nice to see you're still alive :P

    1. I don't think you fit Libra or Virgo more than the other - i could never pick and choose. I struggle with horiscopes. they're fun to read, but i think a person can almost make themselves fit into all of the categories..

    2. the scenario about the women being raped. I don't know what i'd do, but I think i'd have to research to see if you could find out within the first month or so who the real father was. If i could find out really quickly i'd probably end the pregnancy if it wasn't mine as I don't konw how much love I could feel for a baby that wasn't mine and was something that came from the victim of being raped! it's really really hard to say though - putting it up for adoption is an option as well if it wasn't mine.. don't know, you got me on that one Crystal!

    3. I have Step Up 2 at home - Michael rented it for me and i haven't seen it yet! I cannot WAIT! I will probably have to buy it especially if you said it's good :)

    4. Excited to see the Dark Knight but it'll be weird to watch Heath in it.

    I can't remember if i had anything else to say!! LOL so that's all for now..

