Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Question to Ponder...

What advice would you give your 5-years-younger self?

(check comments for my answer!)

Oh and for those of you who like "So You Think You Can Dance..." would any of you be interested in purchasing some US concert tickets when they go on tour? We could make a trip out of it!!


  1. My advice to a 21 year old me:
    -travel more, explore yourself more, believe in yourself, take more risks, save more money and purchase less "things". Mostly just to have FUN!

    P.S. The trick is to see if you are following your advice now too!

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Im pretty sure I do not have any advice for my 5 year younger self. I was 17yo 5 years ago and just gradated from high school for a month at this point! lol.. If I had done ANYTHING differently I wouldnt' be who I am today and I LOVE who I am today :) I have no regrets


    but i'd give people in general who are in that stage of life the advice to have a plan, but not to believe everything will -always- go to plan! have some lee-way and just go with it sometimes. Take chances, risks and do things out of your comfort zone if you have to!

  3. Anonymous11:11 PM

    I somewhat agree with Kyla. :) I feel like even though at times I didn't always make the best choices, things worked out for the best and I can't regret anything that brought me to where I am!

    However, I would tell my younger self to enjoy the present more and try not to take it for granted! Not that anyone ever would cuz that's just part of being young, I think. And go with your gut...only YOU know what you really want out of life! :)
    -Diana :)
