Thursday, January 22, 2009

Things that bring me Joy!

I think it's important to recognize the things in life that make you happy and express gratitude for those things you are thankful for...on my way home from Calgary most recently I decided to make a list of things that bring me Joy. What started as one or two items quickly snowballed. Here are some of the things I wrote:

  • playing with my "boys" (Dominic and Charlie)
  • spending 'quality' time with Tyler
  • reading great fiction books
  • scrapbooking
  • talking all night/late with friends
  • planning...parties, dinners, funtions...
  • discovering: great songs, new artists, great ideas & perspectives, new friendships
  • choosing/finding gifts for others
  • phnemonal tv/movies that make you feels things: happiness, sadness, inspiration
  • going to the theatre
  • singing in my car
  • listening to my music in general
  • making people laugh WITH me and sometimes even at me
  • eating in great restaurants
  • cuddling with Tyler
  • travelling to places on my life list
  • being inspired, listending to great people talk
  • meeting new people, making new connections
  • reinventing myself
  • getting my hair done
  • getting my make up done
  • having beautiful nails (even if they are fake!)
  • getting a massage
  • exploring new concepts and ideas
  • challenging the status quo
  • decorating
  • shopping
  • sparkles
  • finishing a cleaning/organizing job

What are some of yours?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:40 AM

    :) GREAT idea! And a GREAT list! I agree - always important to list and talk about what brings you joy and happiness.
    Kyla's 5-minute thought list:
    -spending time with Michael
    -going to church
    -reading (most recently scriptures and gospel doctrine books)
    -having a good paying, stable job in this current economy
    -my family
    -my future baby
    -friends (Crystal you're definetly one of those!!)
    -curling up and watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn
    -popcorn in general

    okay lol, i need to get back to work :) But this has been fun! Again, great idea..
