Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Yes! (then ugh...)

I feel really, off, right now. I'm not sure if it's nausea or heart burn or what but I feel yucky. The good news is, I'm pregnant! After about a year of half assed trying and one month of actually charting my cycle and "baby dancing" when directed I peed on a stick and it finally tested postive. (the picture here isn't my actual test, but you get the idea)

So now I am about 7 ish weeks pregnant. According to the really cool site my baby is about 1/2 inch big and today is forming the genitalia the decides if it's going to be a boy or a girl. Preferably we'd like to have one of each in one shot (a.k.a. twins), and the average chance of that IS 1/90 births so entirely possible :-D
So we're pretty excited. Some say you should wait until the end of your first trimester before announcing that you're expecting, but for most of those in our lives I really couldn't hold my tongue! I think most of those who read my blog have been told (but their may be a few straglers out there so sorry). That being said I'm not ready for the general "public" to find out so I was a little freaked when a relative of Tyler's wrote on my facebook WALL a congrats. I deleted it quickly hoping no one really read it or got it's meaning. So let that be a warning to all you readers right now, no public facebook messages!!!
So back to how I'm feeling right now. I'm not sure if it's exactly morning sickness or what but I feel kind of icky. I feel best when I am actually eating, but pretty yicky after eating. Not a good position to be in cuz I just want to eat all the time now!
Hmm, my in-laws are home (we're chillin' at their house right now) so I'm gonna sign off right now...


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    :) Since I already knew and already have congratulated you, i'll just say i'm glad to see a post on here! LOL i check faithfully for new blog entries hehe. but, again, CONGRATS! :) As of today I start week 24 (Feb 5).

    I think you are just going to be a lucky victim of "morning sickness" WOOHOO hehe - you'll have to tell us how it goes and what "symptoms" hit you the most

  2. Kyla it's really mean to wish MS on me!! I think someone else should get it that's not me ha ha

  3. Anonymous2:52 PM

    LOL totally had to think that one through.. I was like "-gasp- i would never wish MS on anyone!" thinking of the disease.. but then i clued in.. blonde moment much!
