Thursday, February 05, 2009

Rock Band with an Audience, Drunken M-I-L's, and other stories from this week

We went to Edmonton on Sunday because Vanessa, Tyler, my sister Calli & I had tickets to see "So You Think You Can Dance" on tour (the top ten dancers). Vanessa & Calli were coming down from Grimshaw so we got together on Sunday to have a little extra visiting/shopping time. Sunday night we went to Fiore's (Italian) for supper and met up with my ol' BF from Junior High Laurie. It was really cool to see her but albeit a little weird. When you have lost a friendship for that long and not really maintained much contact it takes some time to rebuild a connection. Laurie & I had a falling out as well back then so it doesn't help...however I had fun chit chatting with her & hope she had a good evening too. Also the food was GREAT!

Monday - Vanessa, Calli & I went shopping at Kingsway Mall (to avoid the hike that is usually involved with shopping at West Ed). I'd say we had a mostly successfull shopping day as we fulfilled most everyone's wish list. At one point I was really worried about upchucking my cookies in the Mariposa dressing room waiting area but the feeling passed so that was good! I did end up returning a couple of the items I bought a few days later, but still good shopping time. That night we went to SYTYCD and it was AMAZING! Vanessa & I had seats in row 13, which turned out to be only 7 rows from the stage. We had a great view of the magnificent dancer bodies and what they were capable of...Calli & Tyler had seats in row 28 which were decent but definitely not as fabulous as our seats. You may be wondering why we sat as we did...long story boiling down to Vanessa & I planned to get tickets and Calli & Tyler were "after thoughts" so to speak.

Tuesday I had plans to go out for dinner with my friend Danielle, however she was under the weather so she ended up cancelling. I was uber disappointed as I haven't seen her in a few months & she is PREGNANT (& probably adorable) but you can't plan life sometimes. I'm sure I'll see her soon :-D

We thought about going home that night but Tyler really wanted to go to "Rock Band" hosted by the Bear radio station at the River Cree Casino on Wednesday night. I didn't want to be bored for another day but we decided to go for Dim Sum for lunch on Wednesday & that was reason enough for me to stay LOL Dim Sum, if you're not familiar, is authentic chinese food like shrimp & rice paper...kind of looks disgusting but some of it is completely delicioius. We don't have any Dim Sum in Red Deer so far as I know so it's a special treat.
Ugh, I'm running out of time cuz i have to leave for an appointment! Okay here's the jist of Wednesday night:
Rock Band - really cool, quite well attended. Many people were playing on Expert and getting in the 90 percentages. We hooked up with a couple in their 50s who play guitar & bass (John & Karen - very neat people), Tyler played the drums & I sang a song. In front of people!! It was "Don't Fear the Reaper". I was very freaked out (I got all blotchy & red) but I thought it was important to get out of my comfort zone & do it. I wasn't even able to get drunk first as I am all pregnant LOL
So we had lots of fun & I came back to Mary's all hyper...she had been drinking, probably quite a bit. Well Keisha, her boyfriend's 15 yr-old granddaughter who's living with them, was going to have a snack and the pantry was a mess so she started organizing it (as Mary & Robert have been asking her to do since she moved in). Out of no where, Mary starts going off on how "any idiot" can see & smell when food goes bad and just cuz it has an expiry date that's passed doesn't mean it's bad and we should through it out...this escalated to pretty much a full on tantrum about how "everyone" criticises her all the time and how we must not think she's a good enough person, etc. I tried to calm her down saying "take a deep breath" and "we love you" and giving her a hug (meanwhile I am crying in my typical reaction to outbursts of emotion). She just continued for maybe a full five minute rant and then Robert came out and she flipped on him (about not helping her with housework & how they don't have enough cupboard space...) and then she went for a smoke. It was kind of bad...and I still don't have the greatest feeling about it. Plus what what we all found frustrating (Tyler, Keisha & I) is that Mary complains about her fridge & how much room she doesn't have and how disorganized it is, but then she was mad & offended when we tried to help... Anyways that's just never fun to experience those things.
Gotta run!


  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    so SYTYCD would have been so fun to see! were you able to take pictures? do you think you were on TV at all? where was it held at? How did you get tickets?

    and that's really odd how she reacted. Another reason why i'm anti-drinking.. it never really brings out the best in people in my opinion..


  2. I was able to take pictures but it was with someone else's camera...I'm hoping she'll be posting them soon!

    I doubt it'll be on TV as it was the Tour of the Top Ten (though Tyler did see CTV cameras there), we got tickets from ticketmaster & it was at Rexall.
