Sunday, February 15, 2009

What Activities are Best for Pregnancy?

I really need some of the endorphins you get from Exercise so I'm trying to find activities I enjoy. According to BabyCenter.Com here are some of the greats:
-Swimming: Healthcare providers and fitness experts hail swimming as the best and safest exercise for pregnant women. Swimming is ideal because it exercises both large muscle groups (arms and legs), provides cardiovascular benefits, and allows expectant women to feel weightless despite the extra pounds of pregnancy.
-Walking, Low-Impact Aerobics, Dancing, Yoga & Stretching.
I wonder if walking while shopping counts?


  1. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I think the key is just to stay active! Do whatever feels comfortable to you, and keep doing whatever physical activities you were doing before. Unless your doctor specifically says don't do something, there's no need to change! :)


  2. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Walking while shopping definitely counts! LOL.
