Monday, December 07, 2009

Memoirs of a Mommy

First & foremost I just want to say that I LOVE being Dexter's Mom...I say it that way, versus being a Mommy because I feel being Dexter's Mom is a unique journey especially built for me verus the generic Mommy journey that every Mother gets. Tyler & I both feel that we got the perfect baby for us and that we couldn't ask for anyone better. I didn't fall in love with Dexter instanteously (at least I didn't feel that it was just in one moment), but every time I saw him I loved him more. The first thing I noticed was that I just couldn't stop kissing him. Everytime I had him, I just wanted to kiss him a million times. It was (& is) like a compulsion :-)
Okay, so I'm sure my love confession doesn't surprise any of you Mommies out there...but its new for me so it surprises me just a little...agh, little boy is awake already so I have to pause my Memoirs.
Back again. One of the biggest changes to my life post-birth, is the lack of time to get things done & the speed of which each day flies by (at lightening speed!). I've had tons of blog ideas & start composing them in my head, but never seem to be able to make it to the computer to type them out (it's difficult to type with one hand while holding Dexter in the other). It's important to remember that I still have the same amount of hours in each day, I just have different priorities now. That's not to say that blogging isn't a top just means that I've forgotten about some of the fun stuff - especially with some of the facebook games that took over my life for a time. I thought about it, and while I was enjoying Cafe World, FarmVille & Fish World, it just wasn't a good use of my downtime. I deleted two of the games off my facebook but have allowed myself FarmVille still...I just really like it (plus I've "met" new people who we've added as Farming Neighbors).
Okay, so many topics, so much limited time ha ha If you have any topic requests, feel free to let me know. Off the top of my head, a big topic is Breastfeeding. I started out being vehnomously opposed to the ideo prior to being pregnant, then got to considering it, to actually trying it to possibly liking it. It's silly, but it feels good to give your baby your milk. And I find it oddly fascinating to milk myself with a breastpump ha ha I truly felt in the beginning, that if it was too difficult to breastfeed, I wouldn't force the issue. But Dexter latched pretty good right from the start and once my actual milk came in (on Tuesday night after he was born, so two days) it stopped being as painful. I did end up getting a crack on one of my nipples which was excruicating to feed from, and coincidently that was the breast that worked better in the it was a bit of torture. But I got some great cream from my doctor (highly recommended to anyone who's going to breastfeed thought it's ridiculously expensive $24 for a pill bottle of it) which I like way better then other products I tried. Ah, awake again. I swear Dexter hears me typing & decides to wake up LOL

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Breastfeeding: I also don't mind it! I am positive that if I weren't meant to do it, Logan wouldn't have latched, wouldn't have like it or something would have stopped us from the journey. I am actually now trying to figure out how to stop! I'm hoping over the coming months Logan will just lose interest as I hear alot of babies do.. Unforutnately I have trained Logan to go to sleep while breastfeeding so it's going to be a bit more of a challenge I think later down the road, but at the same time, seriously, has there ever been a toddler that hasn't just 'learned' to go to bed? So i'm not worried overly, just not looking forward to the possible crying nights! lol.. i'm hoping he'll follow Regan's example and go to sleep with a bottle. Come 9 months he'll be able to have homo milk so i'm hoping I can just skip formula all together!

    I miss your blog. I though 100% understand why it's not updated more regularly lol. I used to check in daily (or multiple times) but once Logan came into to the world I now check it eveyr few days for new entries so your fans are still satisfied! :D (at least this one!)

    Hm, topics... how about solid food? Are you goingt o wait till 6 months like tehy suggest? or start him sooner?
    Me: we waited until 5 1/2 months because 1. Logan by far isn't 'wasting away' lol and 2. he just wasn't overly interested. I have heard of plenty of babies who intently watch their parents eat and logan never did that. I mean, NOW he does lol cuz he knows what it is..
    But otherwise I like the idea as to why they suggest waiting till 6 months. it makes sense to me. I know babies used to start as early as 3 months and survived, but things and information changes daily so all the stuff I just typed combined, I just decided to wait. OH! and #3 reason is that I didn't want stinky diapers any sooner than I had to! lol... trust me, that in itself is worth the wait! Besides, why do we have to push our babies to grow up so fast? That's another mental point I had in my head...

    LOL well, my disclaimer: I want to mention that it's TOTALLY personal choice and I don't look down on or think less of anyone who decides to feed their babies sooner than the 6 month mark :)
