Sunday, December 20, 2009

Video Clip - Dexter Rolling Over & a Quick Baby Update

Dexter first rolled over on November 26th (just over 9 weeks) and it was super exciting. He did it another time right after, then I got smart & got my camera...well he was too grumpy to do it again LOL I finally captured it on video tonight, December 20th (coincidently his 3 months/14 weeks "birth" day).

Quick baby update: on Friday, December 18th Dexter get his first set of vaccinations. For those counting, he is a little behind on getting them because his Mommy didn't realize they were due so soon & hadn't booked an appointment thus took another few weeks to get in passed his two months.

Measurements as of the 18th:

Weight - 13lbs 5oz

Length - 23 Inches

His length is a bit small for his age so he's in the 24th percentile for that, though his weight for length is the 75th percentile. Dexter is talking like crazy now (oohs, ahhs & coos), giggling & laughing and is super fun & entertaining in this stage!

Christmas is only a few days away now and I'm really looking forward to seeing all the presents my Mom bought for him LOL We're hosting Christmas with my parents & siblings for Christmas Day & then Tyler's dad and stepmom will be joining us for dinner on Boxing Day. The days inbetween this and New Year's I'm hoping to squeeze in a quick visit to Medicine Hat to see my Grandma, Aunt & Family (including my cousin's 7 month old who I haven't met yet), Christmas with Tyler's dad & Christmas Tyler's mom. Mary, Tyrone & Company are going to Saskatchewan as of the 23rd until the 27th.


  1. Danielle3:41 PM

    Wow! He already weighs more than Lakelyn. She is still slightly longer than him. LOL. In Edmonton they phone you to book your baby's first immunizations. They book the next appointment when you show up for the first one, then the third when you show up for the second. It isn't until the 1 year vaccinations that you actually have to remember yourself. It's a good system. LOL. Dexter is so cute! I can't wait to see you guys again!

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Very exciting about the rolling over! Logan didn't roll over from his tummy to back until AFTER he learned how to roll from back to tummy - which is very backwards for babies to do lol. I love that you caught this on video! It's very fun to watch :)

  3. Danielle - I can't believe he weighs more than Lakelyn! She must be pretty small now LOL You'll have to post some pics (if you haven't already) so I can check her out. Also, Edmonton sounds like they have a foolproof system for new moms!

    Kyla - That's interesting that Logan went back to front first. I'm surprised that didn't happen with Dexter too as he spends much more time on his back than his tummy. BUT he hasn't really shown any movement to moving that way yet, which is kind of good because he's still pretty easy to take care of this way :-D
