Friday, February 26, 2010

Cosmic Coincidence?

My name, Crystal, which is slightly common in the early 80's was inspired by a character named Krystle from a popular show then. I can never remember if it is 'Dynasty' or 'Dallas' so late last night I was looking up the shows on (a super great website that has tons of info for movies/tv shows). So as I looked up 'Dynasty' (which is where my name is from) I happened to notice a few lines down that there is a character on the same show named 'Dex Dexter'. How cool is that? Further investigation on the page showed characters also by the names of Charles & Dominique (which we spell Dominic) but sadly there were no Tyler's. If there were, that would be the coolest thing ever :-)

I've added pictures of the characters, Krystle Carrington & Dex Dexter. So eighties LOL

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