Thursday, May 03, 2007


it's been a while. I blame facebook...among other things.

Shameless Plug:

Everyone & their dog should join It is completely free, you can post pictures, notes, profile information, onto people's "wall" as well as send messages and "poke" people! If you haven't yet joined, do so, then add me as a "FRIEND".

So on Saturday I was trying to get tickets to see Justin Timberlake in Edmonton. He's only doing one show in Alberta so the following does make some sense:

I was logged on to the appropriate website at 9:30am (tickets went on sale at 10am) with plenty of time to putz around. At about 9:57am I started hitting the refresh button waiting for the drop down menus to appear so I could request my tickets. It was 10:02am. I punched in that I need 6 tickets, "best available" and tickets available. So I typed in 3 tickets, "best available" and tickets available. So I typed in 2 tickets, "best available" and submit (getting worried now) tickets available. Panicked I type in 1 tickets available. The concert was sold out already? They've only been on sale for like 3 minutes! So I try calling ticketmaster to see if there was some mistake, busy signal. So I keep trying on the computer while re-dialing the number. Eventually I decide to call Kelsey and break the news that we may have missed out on tickets. All the while still trying, typing in different amounts of tickets, hoping something will come up. A single ticket comes up: Kelsey & I are like, well it's no fun by yourself right? So I hang up with Kelsey but decide to keep trying. I go to call ticketmaster again (genuisly hitting re-dial) and I got 2 tickets! And ended up calling Kelsey again because that's the last number I dialled not ticketmaster. So I bought the two, told Kelsey she got to be the lucky person to accommpany me (as she was the first to say she wanted to go) and kept looking. No other tickets came up for the next half hour, or the numerous random attempts I've made since.

So my beef is that it's impossible to call in for tickets because the lines are uber busy. I refuse to go to the ticketmaster because they give you a random number for your place in line instead of first come first serve (happened to me at my first BEP concert) and in reality the tickets may sell out in minutes so how many people in line can you really serve? So the only real option is on-line where obviously everyone else goes too. So by the time my computer even showed me being able to pick tickets they were gone. How crazy is that?

Meanwhile I am torturing myself again this week by going for Nickelback tickets! I'm excited as I had such a great time the last time I saw them. Last time I really just went cuz my sister was a big fan & I bought her and I tickets for the show. I myself wasn't really a fan, in fact some of the songs annoyed me. Well the energy from the show was so fantastic that now they are in my top 5 fave bands on my iPod. The power of a concert eh? And I also think Chad is uber hot now.

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