Tuesday, April 24, 2007


what makes me so mad is that Kim and Tyrone act like we owe them because Tyler makes lots of money. For one thing Tyler works for hard for his money, 10 hour days for 11 days straight if not more. Not to mention that he is away from home that whole time. Plus he had to work his way up to where he is by going to school and working to get his apprenticeship hours in. During this time we had NO help from his parents. Meanwhile Tyrone was living rent free at his mom's house while he skipped his schooling (he was attending Devry) to play poker &/or drink. Tyrone has every excuse in the book why he isn't farther ahead in life and why none of it is his fault but I disagree 100%.
My uncle got Tyrone a job last January after he met him at Christmas and found out that Tyrone was jobless and had a baby on the way. It was bushwork so tough, away from home but good money and that's what you get when you have no education. After a few weeks Tyrone quit by not showing up when he was suppose to. His excuse was that he didn't know what was going on or that he didn't have a ride to get there (which is garbage cuz he talked to my aunt a few days before). Plus who ever heard of a company getting you to your job...you get to your job or the pre-arranged group busing. So anyway there was a lot of whinning from Kim and Tyrone about how they didn't like him being away from home cuz she was a few months pregnant. Yet at this point Tyler had been doing it for about two years. So we have made the sacrifices that have put us in the position we are in now.
Tyler's parents basically give him no credit whatsoever for what he has accomplished: married, home owner, journeymen, no knocking women up after one month...all before the age of 24. And with no help from them...here is a comparision.
Tyrone: was bought his first vehicle...wrote it off in an accident and lost his license for DUI.
Tyler: bought his first vehicle FROM his dad for way more than it was worth as he then had to sink $2500 in it to get it road worthy.
Tyrone: lived rent free at his mom's for several years
Tyler: paid rent from the moment he turned 18, was the only one in his household with a job when i met him (step mom retired, dad unemployed).
Tyrone: gets cash donations from his parents all the time
Tyler: lent his mom money when she lost her job
Tyrone: got plenty of hand me down furniture
Tyler: bought his dad's shi-tay couch set and tables from him when he moved out
Tyrone: dad offered to pay for his wedding as he knocked up his girlfriend of a month
Tyler: offered to pay for our liquor but then took all the money from the toonie bar
That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

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