Thursday, April 19, 2007


So I invited Tyler's dad & stepmom for dinner tomorrow night (Friday) because they have been pestering us endless to come over dinner (read every time Tyler is home) so I offered for Friday because then it doesn't give them the opportunity to come for the whole day like Saturday would. Tonight I get a phone call from Tyler's dad asking if it would be okay if they could spend the night. I asked why...he said because they wanted to go shopping in the morning. They live all of a 30 minute drive away. I also want to point out that they refused to spend the night on Christmas Eve because they "like to sleep in their own beds".
It's probably only annoying cuz it's them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:28 PM

    You have every right to be annoyed.
    How did you make out at dinner?
    Next time, make a less appetizing dinner (something that looks phenomenal and looks like you worked 2 days to prepare), but not that tasteful after-all.
    Wait, you like food, so how about putting some, or lots of laxatives in their meals, and only their meals.
    Might not be so pretty (especially in your home), but it gives a person an uncomfortable feeling, and in plain and blunt words, makes a person feel more comfortable shitting in their own home. Noises do travel!

