Monday, April 09, 2007

What do you think?

So I am going to write about something that I think will be controversial. It's why I think my sister in law should stop breastfeeding.

1. Kim doesn't have any decency to hide her boob when she's feeding. She'll just whip up her shirt and pull out her boob from her regular bra (not a breastfeeding bra) and go to town regardless of the company. I don't care what any of you all say about it being "natural" we all know that boobs are a sexual object and I don't think that my husband, me, my mother in law, father in law, step mother in law, or mother in law's boyfriend need to see Kim's tits. Especially when we are trying to play a game or eating. Could she at least grab a blanket?

2. Kim can't even produce enough on her own so she needs to take pills. Meanwhile she goes on and one about how the pills are expensive (and they're poor) so she should breastfeed all the time. She says that Kira needs all of these vitamins & nutrients that only she can provide. Hmm, I don't know about that...lots of babies don't die by eating formula or baby food instead of breastmilk.

3. Kim will drink all night and then go breastfeed. Is that how baby gets all of these secret nutrients moran?

4. Kira will be really whiney, crying and have to feed ALL the time then will nap...but when Kim goes shopping and we have to feed her pablem or baby food she is a super happy baby. And is very alert.

5. It strucks me that Kim uses the breastfeeding as something only she can provide for Kira so that she can monopolize her time and feel important. Kim was going to give Kira some baby food so I offered to hold Kira in the meantime so she'd have two free hands and Kim puts on a big show about "oh no Kira will scream her bloody head off if she goes to anyone else"...not two minutes later Mary got up to help and Kira went to her no problem.

6. Kira grabs at Kim's boobs all the time and tries to lift up her shirt. If she can do that isn't it a little creepy at that point?

7. Kira has a lot of interest in food (she nearly ripped Mary's arm off going for a cracker Mary was eating), eats well (when she has baby food etc) and can drink from a sippy cup. [See in the picture she is trying to eat chocolates right the wrapper]
8. She is eight months old...a recent statistic says that 90% of mothers have weaned their babies by 4 months old.

And on a slightly different note I just want to complain about something else Kim does: frequently when Kim hands Kira over to another person Kira throws a temper tantrum. But when Kim walks away it gets worse for a second but then she's fine. However Kim will walk back in the room and it'll start over again. It even happens when Kim gives Kira to Tyrone (the father). I feel like Kim has trained her to be spoiled for her mom and it makes Kim feel special so she likes it and doesn't try to make it stop. Down the road though, in August when Kim goes back to work it is just going to be painful for the sitter.

Also, I've asked Kim if they are going to have another soon (cuz Kim is 35 and not getting any younger) and at one point in the day she'll comment on her age and say yeah they are trying right now. Then the next moment she'll say, oh no I'd like to work for a couple years before we have another and we can't afford it right now. Um, those are completely opposite you have multiple personalities?


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Alrighty - so.. she is such a trailer trash mother -_- I know that sounds awful, but that's what I think of her.. (putting all the things together that she does and the fact that she's with a retard of a father) (i hope you aren't offended I called him a retard..)

    Breast feeding is good yes - but there's a point when you DO need to stop. And, I strongly believe that it's okay to breast feed in front of people, but yes, certain precautions should be taken, ie. a BLANKET. (that's so ghetto of her)

    Also for the record, I was not breast fed. I was a formula (and as strange as it sounds, an orange juice) baby. I don't feel that my entire life is screwed up because of it!

    AND.. my two younger siblings were adopted from birth (within like 2 days of being born) - thus they were not breast fed.

    Also, my sister-in-law-to-be did not breast feed because she could not produce enough milk and she felt uncomfortable doing it. Her little boys are the most amazing boys ever!

    My point: It's not THAT big of a deal if you do or don't. No one has DIED because they were not breat fed.

    I think you are right - she loves the attention. That little girl has such a hard life ahead of her. Having an idiot of a father, having parents who seem to drink a little too often, having a mother who won't let her go and will be either controlling, or not controlling enough (meaning they will let her roam free to do as she pleases)...I just hope that your neice has some natural morals because I dont' feel her parents have great ones.

    I'm with you Crystal! Tho she may be 35 years old, she has the mental capacity as an immature 20 year old..

    And with that, i'm done bashing your sister-in-law and brother-in-law.

    Right now, you have an adorable neice :) Hope you can have enough of an influence as an Aunty to keep her fairly grounded!!


  2. 1. I absolutley don't mind you calling Tyrone a retard except that maybe it insults handicapped people because they shouldn't be associated with Tyrone.

    2. I agree that there are benefits to breastfeeding but it's not the be all end all and plenty of people have survived without it (myself included).

    3. I always appreciate your comments, especially since we usually agree LOL

    4. So far Kira seems to be normal but I do fear for her future, because I don't think her normalcy has anything to do with her parents.

    5. It's so sad for people to use their children to further themselves (i.e. attention).

  3. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I have MUCHO to say about the whole breastfeeding issue....I've been reading up on it a lot. The main thing is that experts HIGHLY recommend breastfeeding for up to the first year, and at least for the first 4 months but it is strictly an individual decision. Some people aren't comfortable with it, others have a hard time with it (sounds like Kim is one of those people), some have issues of discomfort beyond their control (dryness, soreness). But it seems to be absolutely up to the mother. The mother's milk, according to doctors, apparently is better than formula (it's nature's formula, after all), and breastfeeding supposedly strengthens the mother-child bond; but I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with feeding the child formula instead (I'm sure it does the trick, and doesn't interfere with the child's upbringing or mental health or anything!). Chelsea was telling me about this lady whose daughter is in Madison's dance class who breastfeeds her 16 month old everywhere (like, in the open). That's a bit weird. I've heard of people doing it for up to 3 years (TOTALLY weird!!). I absolutely agree that if it's going to be done in public, discretion should be used!! I certainly have issues with personally baring my breast to the general public!! I guess one thing I do want to say is this: I really am not going to care what other people think about how I'm raising my child or taking care of them because it's my child, not theirs. I'm sure I'll do things too that people disagree with or find unappealing, but I don't think anyone is in a position to judge (especially if they don't have their own kids). Everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion, but it's like wearing clothing that others think are the end, what does someone else's opinion really matter to you when it's YOU wearing the clothes?
    - Diana

  4. Diana, you can always be counted on to challenge my opinions LOL While I appreciate it of course I have to respond to it as well:

    -I also found that doctors were recommending 1 - 2 years of breastfeeding. However I found that statistic that 90% of women have weened by 4 months so it begs the question: does a mother know best? And why is there this large gap between what doctor's recommend and what women feel is right? Is there research missing that doesn't take into account other factors that are affecting mothers before the docs have made their recommendations?
    -I think that generally speaking breast milk is best but if you have to take drugs to produce more milk isn't also possible that you are not producing the best breast milk (a.k.a. maybe it's lacking in the normal vitamins, antibodies, etc)? And I think that as a mother you MAY be biased in your answer to this question because you wouldn't want to believe that you aren't the best milk producer or can't personally provice for your baby. Also I have spoken with or heard stories from many mothers who say they couldn't provide enough milk for their baby's development so they had to incorporate other food (formula, pablem, cereal, etc).
    -While it's important to be strong in your beliefs and not curb to everyone's beck and call about parenting I think a person also needs to realize that sometimes the advice is good or warrented. I'm sure you agree with the fact that it's not kosher to ingest alcohol all day and then breastfeed? Or that it's simply courtesy to use a blanket when breast feeding?
    -And I also think that I don't necessarily have had to of bared children to know some things logically (but I'm sure it may give me a different perspective).

    Hmm, okay I think I addressed everything I wanted too. And again THANKS for your comments...I love a good debate :-)
