Monday, April 23, 2007

My Weekend

So remember how Tyler's parents spent the night Friday so they could go shopping? Well first they wanted to go out for breakfast. I told them I had a nail appointment at 9am so they could wait for me or go without they went without me cuz they couldn't wait that long. Tyler went along. After my appointment I called to see where they were, at totem shopping. So I told Tyler I'd meet him at home. An hour later I called him again and said "Didn't know it took an hour to drive 3 blocks?" So he got home at 11:00am. So basically we had about 24 hours together as he had to leave on the bus the next day (Sunday) at 12:30pm.
Tyler's mom called Sunday morning to ask us when we are getting together again. We just spent the weekend with them on Easter, plus Mary came to my spa party last weekend so I saw her again too. We just can't seem to get away from these people. Tyler actually responded to his mom "I don't know. I just saw you. I want to spend some time with my wife." Which was nice to hear.
Tyler's job in Fort Mac is hopefully ending on May 3rd so he'll be home for a while then. I want him to look for some work locally at that point, he wants to build our fence. I like when he's home but I hate when he's home and not working because:
a) I am still at work.
b) We then have little money coming in, but money still going out.
c) He gets lazy & unmotivated (as anyone who's off work would).
d) He gets really needy as he's home alone all day,.
e) Tyler's dad seems to think that Tyler's time off equals free labor for Tyler to help renovate Willie's house.
On a positive note I am my Great Aunt Sara called yesterday to tell me she's planning on coming down for my Home & Gift party and a few days of visiting, fun!

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