Monday, April 09, 2007

Pop Quiz RE my weekend

1) Who annoyed me by repeatedly not using coasters all weekend?
a. Kim &/or Tyrone
b. Mary &/or Robert
c. All of the above
2) Who annoyed me by leaving half finished drinks all over the house?
a. Kim &/or Tyrone
b. Mary &/or Robert
c. All of the above
3) Who annoyed me by giving me a book called “Reframe you Blame: Taking Personal Accountability”?
a. Kim &/or Tyrone
b. Mary &/or Robert
c. All of the above
4) Who pleasantly surprised me by staying an extra day?
a. Kim &/or Tyrone
b. Mary &/or Robert
c. All of the above
d. Tyler
5) Who made it sound like it was such a big deal to leave by 1pm on Sunday?
a. Kim &/or Tyrone
b. Mary &/or Robert
c. All of the above
6) Who’s request to have two bedrooms was shot down by my passive aggressive way of leaving one room uber messy?
a. Kim &/or Tyrone
b. Mary &/or Robert
c. All of the above
7) Who had a birthday this weekend?
a. Kim &/or Tyrone
b. Mary &/or Robert
c. All of the above
8) Who made it sound like she was in a shitty relationship but made zero mention of ending it?
a. Kim &/or Tyrone
b. Mary &/or Robert
c. All of the above
9) Who was incredibly cute and starred in tons of my pictures?
a. Kira
b. Dominic
c. Charlie
d. All of the above
10) Who kept annoying me all weekend just by existing?
a. Kim &/or Tyrone
b. Mary &/or Robert
c. All of the above

1c (And there was no shortage of them lying in front of their faces), 2a(Kim), 3a(Kim), 4d (like anyone else would be a pleasant surprise), 5a, 6a, 7b(Mary), 8b(Mary), 9d(I love my pets just as much as I love my niece), 10a(Kim).

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