Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Um, yeah...

So Tyler and I were thinking of doing "no birthday gifts" for this year for like parents, siblings, etc. The one person we'd likely buy for still is Kira who would be one this year. Other than her everyone else is old enough to buy themselves things. So we told Tyrone and Kim about it and that weren't too enthusiastic - probably cuz they go to the dollar store for us and buy us junk and we buy from their list. I'm pretty tired of going to lots of effort and spending my hard earned dollars on other people when they don't return the favor (in effort at least). Plus Tyler's work is sporadic so it's nice for us to save sometimes. Her was Kim's email response last night:
This is going to sound greedy, but, I like the idea of you guys not buying b-day gifts and was thinking of doing it myself, however, my birthday usually goes by un-noticed most of the time and being that last year was the first year I spent my birthday with Tye's family, I want to see what happens this year. Then I think we'll re-visit that idea.
What the f*ck does that mean? Please comment.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    It means you are going to have to buy her a f*ing gift.

  2. Anonymous1:35 PM

    This doesn't even make sense to me! What "Idea" does she plan on revisiting? The fact that you decided not to buy gifts for people? That's not her decision anyways!

    And, is she saying she got jipped out last year cuz no one bought her presents?? MAYBE it's because no one knew her?? Just a thought if that's what she was implying..

    But really, she is not clear on what the heck she's talking about. It bugs me that this is a "we" thing - "we'll re-visit the idea.." there is no we! This is a decision you are doing. It's a two-way street - you arent' buying them gifts, they dont' have to buy you gifts. It doesn't mean they have to exclude everyone else.

    OH! I bet she just wants it to be clear that her baby gets gifts at the very least and then she doesn't have to repay the favour by getting other's good gifts. It's all greedy on her part.. That kind of makes sense to me actually - just kind of clicked into my head!

  3. Whatever Katherine. You're a jerk. I bought her a really nice present last year so I think I'm okay. Plus her boyfriend has not bought me a birthday gift until last year so that is 6 years of no presents but I didn't care cuz I didn't like him and didn't want to own anything he bought for me.

  4. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Well I never got any presents from Scott's parents until we were married (we went out for 5 years before we got married). His sisters have never bought me anything it has been 16 years. I don't even think they know when the day is. Yet I always make sure they get something even if it is just a lotto ticket in a card.

  5. Well I would absolutely buy Kira gifts because she is a kid and birthdays are really meant for kids.

    But with Tyrone turning 29 and Kim turning 36 I think they're a bit old to be expecting anything? I fully believe we should celebrate the occassion, perhaps with supper or something but I don't see the need for me to buy Tyrone the 30 poker books he registered for on his wish list.
