Thursday, November 22, 2007

Being a Consultant


So if you know me at all you know that I love to shop, I love to get deals and I'm quite impulsive. Some would call those qualities negatives but I embrace them whole heartedly. I have been using BeautiControl products for about 2 1/2 years now. They have a facial care line (maintenance, repair & prevention), spa products (like fun Sugar Cookie scrub) and a make up line. Some items are a bit expensive but some of them are reasonable.
Here's the deal I signed up for:

1. In November they have a special where you can sign up to be a consultant for only $150 dollars which gives you a kit containing products valued at $800 retail. Plus you can expense this cost as you are now an independent consultant for BeautiControl.

a) The kit comes in two parts. The first contains your basic 4 part face line, plus a couple bonus items like the hand scrub, relaxing eye pads and the Lip Appeal.

b) The second half you receive after you attend a one day BeautiU training (mines on Dec 15th). I'm not sure exactly what happens there but I've been assured that it's not a sales pressure thing but more educational based. In the 2nd half you get makeup tailored to your skin tones and spa products. The picture below is both half of the kit.

2. After you have ordered your 1st half of the kit you have 48 hours to take advantage of a special purchase: a minimum order of $750 in products for 55% off (equals $337.50 + tax & shipping)! Plus the 55% off is off of the retail suggested price, so if the company has the product on sale you get 55% off of the sale price! How awesome is that? For this order you can buy the pre-built "Friends & Family" Package (pictured below) or you can customize it & buy whatever you want. Again you can expense this purchase as a consultant & at this time of year you can use this deal to buy high quality Christmas presents for your family [or mostly spoil yourself as I have done]!

3. Of course once you sign up there has to be obligations on your part right? Well the obligation is quite simple, purchase $100 in products every four months, totally $300 per year. For some people this can be quite a lot to spend if you don't have the budget, but if you do, it's a great deal. BeautiControl is all online so if you are computer savvy then you can do this simply enough.

4. As a bonus you can absolutely use this as a opportunity to make a little money. You can sell your products that you've bought if you don't want to gift them or keep them for yourself. You can even become an active consultant and start doing spa parties if you fancy. Or you can simply use your consultant discount for personal use. (P.S. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what kind of discount I get but I will know soon!).

5. This month they had an additional sale opportunity. If you made a $400 purchase or more before November 21st you can take advantage of the "Thanksgiving Sale" this weekend. There will be more sales & I can get my discount on top of them. I am very excited as, hello, shopoholic! Ha ha.

Home & Gift Collection
As some of you may know I have become a Home & Gift consultant this year. Last year I thought there was no way I could do something like this. In the spring of this year (2007) I thought hey I love the product so why not try? Nothing ventured nothing gained & at the very least I'll have gotten some product @ a great discount (starter kit is $100 for $300 in product or $200 for $700 in product) that I can expense.
Well since May (about 6 months ago) I have been able to sell $20,000 in products. I had a slowish start, about 2 parties a month for May, June, July & August. Then in Septemer, after summer holidays it really took off. I had about 7 house parties in September & October in addition to several catalogue orders so I was (& am) super busy. Though even though I feel stressed and a bit tired it's a positive stress. I feel better about myself than I have in ages because I have been so successful. Each party I attend allows me to meet new & interesting people, pushes me to be more outgoing and has enhanced my directional skills (I used to get lost a lot more LOL).
Every month, for each $1500 in sales you have you get a $100 gift certificate for product or $50 for supplies. In October alone I earned $500 in gift certificates to spend how I choose on products. So I could have easily used these for Christmas shopping, though I am planning on saving them for the New Year. As of February 1st we will have a new catalogue so I want to be able to customize my new kit with the products I choose (& I may just have to buy some new items for my house depending what there is!).
Also, super exciting is that by reaching the $20,000 mark I have earned myself half of a Greece trip. The deadline for earning the entire trip is January 1st, so if I can't make up the difference (though I'm not ruling it out ha ha) I can pay the other half and still go. Seeing as Greece is one of the three places I want to travel to before I die I will be attending that trip! I believe Tyler is planning on buying a trip for himself so we can go together. So that will be in May of 2008.
P.S. If you want to order anything or check out my catalogues just let me know! There's still time to get it before Christmas!!!!!!
Yep I've definitely become a Sales Woman!

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