Wednesday, November 14, 2007


This morning started out positively enough but unfortunately I am a sensitive person and when ignorant people make negative comments to me they stick on me all day. Here's what happened:
A few co-workers & I were chatting in the office. One gentleman said that he had to work a few years longer than he had anticipated because he pension worked a little differently than he thought. So we started joking about extra ways he could make money. This one jerk says "Oh I know how we can make more money. How about we take a cut of Crystal's business that comes across the counter every day." I was thinking 'Excuse Me? ' then, figuring he was talking about he girl who dropped a cheque off for me the day before I said "Oh I don't make that much money off of that." He says "More than I do. Must be nice to have a home based business where you have access here to free paper, lights..." then walks away with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. For those of you who know me: I was fuming but along on the brink of tears so I didn't say anything. Just walked back to my desk.
This also happens to be the same individual who I overheard talking to our IT guys about starting to track the number of "colored copies" each person prints off because "some people have a home based business and I don't think it's right for them to print here or for people to print personal pictures here". IT responded with "that's a risk we've decided is neligible". So the Corporation doesn't care. What the hell is his problem?
Confession: Yeah I have printed some of my "Home Based Business" stuff at work. Yeah I have done some things on Company time...but here is my defense.
1. I don't take smoke breaks. Ignorant prick does. Guess what? Sometimes his smoke breaks are about 45 minutes instead of the allotted 20. Usually actually. And sometimes he takes a coffee break & a smoke break. Do I take notes about this? Do I bitch at him? No. Sometimes I do take coffee breaks but usually I only end up taking one a day because I know I've been "breaking" at other times.
2. He is not my boss. He is other people's boss, but he's not even in my division of the Corporation. My boss has yet to address me on any of these issues & the person 2nd to my boss thinks that his accusations are rude and undeserving.
3. Every single person in the office attends to person business in the office. How do I know this? Cuz often they request my help with their spreadsheets, documents or other technical business. Or because I deliver the faxes (on corporation paper no less) that address their personal business. So it's BS to single me out.
4. Why should I be penalized for being efficient? I get my job done and meet the requirements my boesses (yeah I have about three of them) ask of me. The lady before me did this job for many many years so I can't imagine that she wasn't as least as efficient as I am so what did she do in her downtime? We get paid by the hour so I'm sure she didn't go home!
5. About that getting paid by the hour, yeah the Corporation basically asks me to bend over every paycheque. They fall back on the "budget" when I ask them to define why I don't receive benefits, holidays, and other gaps between my "wage" position and the coveted "salary" positions. However they sure seem to have enough budget to give the Corporation president a brand new office with spectacular materials & a fire place. Budget smudget. Oh and the vast majority of the Corporation works out of cubicles, sub standard desks or limited office space. Nice way to segregate the upper management from the peons eh?
6. The vast majority of my business takes place outside of my regular work day. I am a consultant at parties that do NOT occur during the day, I spend most of my evenings talking to potentional & current clients, doing paper work, sorting product, etc. And a lot of my lunch hours. So whatever.
I'm sure there's more but I'm tapped out right now...
I just hate being judged. And I really hate being judged & persucated without being given a fair trial. So this pompous ass can shove it up his...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Some people are just jerks. Sounds like he's jealous that you're a good employee, you get your job done, and have extra income because you're ambitious enough to put in the extra time and effort! He probably goes home and vegges in front of the TV every night. Don't let it bother you. If he wasn't a "boss" I'd tell you to make a comment about how he abuses his break times while spending taxpayer's money with all the extra health care he'll need from his smoker-related illnesses! What a jerk!
