Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In a Funk...

As the title may have tipped you off, I am in a funk. I'm so "funked" that I'm not even sure what my funk is. Sometimes I get in a mood where I feel like I just need a giant, big cry. Not for any particular reason but for all of them.
Getting really personal...
Another item that's in the back of my mind if my brother's life. He's twenty, but honestly a pretty young twenty. We're very different people in most ways: my academicness vs his athleticness, my leadership vs his following, my straight-laced vs his rebelness. I complained a lot about my upbringing but he suffered in an entirely different way than me. My parents were quite strict with me about my life and bedtimes and homework but I was a pretty quick learner and didn't rock the boat much. He was a brat from the moment I first remember him: peeing in plants as a toddler, chasing my friends and I around with golf clubs and knives, and I was stuck baby-sitting him all the time as I was six years older. He seemed to break the rules all the time and get into trouble at school. My mother did the classic "wait until your father gets home" (which I swear I never want to do) and my brother would get spanked when my dad got home. When I think back to those moments I feel completely sick. It really caused me to fear and almost hate my dad which was completely unfair for him. It wasn't until I was gone from home a few years until I was able to start really building a relationship with him. Now there are reasons when I would argue that spanking is good and there are many reasons why it isn't. I think it's important to re-evaluate each situation and each child to figure out how you can help them learn the lessons they need to learn. I guarantee you that my brother didn't learn a single thing from those spankings nor the groundings that they attempted to give. The only purposed\ they served was to drive him away and into the arms of the drug world.
When I left home for college he was a mere 12 years old. He went through the hard teenage years without the benefit of an older sister. As the kind of guy who likes to please and go with the crowd, he fell into the drug scene and moved out of my parents before he was even 16... and across the back alley into a house with a known drug dealer who was almost 30 and another guy who was my age. Eventually he moved to my Aunt & Uncle's down in Medicine Hat and has spent the last 5 years moving back and forth. With the benefit of hindsight and the relationships I have with my brother and sister now, I feel a tremendous amount of guilt for not being there for them during those years. I hated my life in Grimshaw and when I moved to Red Deer in August of 2000 I never looked back. I avoided even visiting Grimshaw for a long time (I called home at thanksgiving and announced i wasn't coming home & they could redecorate my room as I'd never be moving back). I've made some peace with my life there and have gone to Grimshaw more in the last year than I had probably combined for the first 5 years.
So when I look at my brother now I feel like I absolutely contributed to the things he missed out on and where he is now. If I were to grade myself on being a big sister i would definitely give myself a failing grade. I know that he's a chronic pot smoker and I know he's dabbled in other drugs but I have no way of confirming exactly how much he does (he has a tendancy to exaggerate). He got duped by a 24 year old woman and now has a 5 month old to look after...he doesn't have his high school education and he has an uncanny ability to attract losers into his life who take advantage of him. He has a great big heart but doesn't have the self worth built up to take control of his life. I know that he has the ability to choose his options in life but there's a reason that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer in this world. I know he feels stuck in his life and I'm not sure what his way out is...
How do we open the eyes of our loved ones to this great big world? In my family, it's the weirdest thing: we would fight to the death for each other but we have a really hard time saying "I love you" or even hugging each other. In Tyler & my relationship I was often the "guy" in the way that I felt uncomfortable saying how I felt. To this day I struggle with validating my emotions and feeling like they are as important as my intellectual opinions. Sometimes I can be very open, to a fault, but then i also have this invisible barrier that NO ONE gets across. Writing this blog is a struggle, and even now I am not sure it will ever see the light of day...as it is very personal. It's scary to be this personal. I tend to use humor to cover these things.
Like with my career right now. I find myself constantly saying "since i'm not working" or "since i don't have a real job" when really i think i am working just as hard on these things as I ever did. The first time I really started to embrace my self worth was when I got my first job at KFC. I grew a voice there and felt like I finally was finally someone. I guess it was at this point that i equated self worth with making money. I love being an Independent Consultant for BeautiControl and Home & Gift but it's also not completely fulfilling me, especially financially at this point. I've created this high maintenance lifestyle focused on stuff for myself and it's hard to break it. I hate having to ask tyler for money for MY bills and MY life. When people ask me how it is going (which is a common courtesy question) I feel like I need to say "oh i'm making X dollars" for it to be valid. Of course all of these things boil down to my own issues and my perspective. I treat people how to treat me, right? So how do I get my mind in order?
All the important people in my life are saying all the right things. My mom and surprisingly even my dad think its great that i'm doing this. My dad hates "sales people" and he completely respects what I am doing. To the point that he even paid for my flight to my convention in Dallas. Tyler has been supportive in every way imaginable. At the end of August I had a breakdown because I officially had no extra money coming in from being laid off. I felt like I was nowhere near when I thought I would be after working my BeautiControl business for 6 months and that Tyler would expect me to get "a real job" to continue paying the bills.
Tyler was the one who pointed out how much I had done in those 6 months (verus the "nothing" I was critizing myself with) and said he had no problem with me continuing to pursue my independant consulting versus looking for other work. Who could ask for a more supportive husband? However, now I feel a huge weight on my shoulders for how hard he works. It's not like he has an easy job. He lives at his mom's in edmonton for the work week and does ten hour days of physically labor so I can pursue this. And he doesn't even come home to a clean house!
I seem to be busy all the time but I am not sure what I am busy doing...I hate my sleep habits but also don't seem to be able to control them.

With my consultanting work I sometimes feel as though I don't make the cut in a lot of ways - like being consistant or having the drive to get up early on my own. But then in many ways I feel like it is for me and that I want to prove that I can do it so I can lead the way for others. I love my products and I feel passionately for them but sometimes I feel like there is a gap between how I feel about them and how I am getting that across to others. How do I get people passionate about their skin? One of the things that keeps me going is when I get feedback about people loving the products and when I hear about how the products have helped them. My mom has seen improvement in her skin discoloration (noticed by my aunt & grandma), my mother-in-law has less wrinkles, my skin looks healthier and one of my team members had her eczema clear up...

It's really hard for me to look at my successes over my failures...
To add more craziness to my mind is the whole baby issue. We've been off any form of birth control since November. I got pregnant right away in December but had a miscarriage. I haven't gotten pregnant since and in some ways I am thankful for the time to prepare and in others I am completely impatient. I know I will never be 100% ready for children and I know I want to have kids in my life so sometimes it's like "hurry up already universe!" But then I know I'd really have to get my ducks in a row if I had a baby coming...which is partly why I want one. Cuz I work better with deadlines and pressure! I am totally a person who doesn't deal well with not having control over things and I am trying really hard to be blaze about the baby thing and say that everything happens for a reason and that I'll get pregnant when we are suppose to. One of my friends happened to have the same due date I would have if I hadn't miscarried. She had her baby a few weeks ago (she lives in Grimshaw so I haven't met baby yet) and it is completely surreal to think that, that could easily be us. Tyler working out of town complicates matters even more and in more ways than one...getting pregnant and figuring out how to make life work when baby comes.
Ulg, it's late and I don't even know if this blog makes sense. My mind is all over the place, I kind of feel like my mind is swimming in the deep end. It'll be interesting to see what kind of comments I get on this one.


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    So! You have said a whole lot on this one!! My first thoughts are that you are definetly way to hard on yourself. 1. In relation to your brother: it’s always easy to look back and wish we’d done things differently, but why not start focusing on the present instead? I bet none of us can say we were perfect in regards to being a sibling. It’s easy to think “if I’d done this….. things would have been different” but we can’t do that to ourselves. And I personally think you did what you had to do to find yourself, which I’ve come to learn over the past couple years, is much more important than anyone/thing else. If you had tried to dig into his life more, who knows what path yours would have went down ya know? 2. The father comment – about him being the “punisher” – I am on your side! I think a father definetly has been unfairly dubbed with the fear factor role, and I hope we can teach our children about respect and though spanking is crucial at moments in my opinion, that he isn’t a scary character in our lives! 3. Home businesses are hard work, and I really don’t have much to comment on this one lol.. you have the support, you have the abilities to make it, so I have faith that you will succeed and learn from this however you need to.. 4. This blog did take me by surprise a bit Crystal! I have spoken to you about most of these things on a deep-ish level, but this is definetly portrayed just that much deeper for sure. I look back on my above comments and actually am considering erasing them all because in all honesty, my opinions/comments about your life are really not important. Only we can make who we are and make us how we want to be. You have the power to be who you want and as I started out with saying, you are very hard on yourself!! I never know if comments like these are offensive.. so if it is don’t post it  and tell me so I can maybe explain a bit deeper or whatnot – the last thing I would want is one of my best friends to be upset at me!! Oh, and Crystal, I love you!  You are a fabulous and wonderful friend. (see? It’s not hard to say! Hehe) -Kyla

  2. Don't even think about deleting your comments! I love hearing others weigh in on what I write and if I didn't - I wouldn't post 'em! It's so easy to get inside my own head and having other people comment helps me get back in the real world a bit so thank you...

    I don't think you've EVER written anything that offends me Kyla :-D
