Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Messages from the Universe, An Update

So I signed up on a website to receive daily (weekdays) messages from the universe. They are so awesome & I love them. To give you an idea of how accurate they are for my life, here are my most recent messages on the appropriate dates:

19th - There are really only two conditions of the human mind: Very, very happy. Or about to become very, very happy. Which are you today, Crystal?

22nd - When in a hurry, Crystal, step #1 for changing the entire world, is falling in love with it as it already is. Same for changing yourself.

23rd - By design, Crystal, whenever you have a new dream, or re-commit to an old one, at that precise moment everything in your life is perfectly suited to bring it about even faster than if you had thought of it earlier. You are always where you most "need" to be. (P.S. This was on my birthday, great one for that day as I deal with my age crisis!)

24th - Crystal, it's as if the stars have aligned, the word has been spoken, and you've won the cosmic lottery. This is it! There's never, ever, been a better time for you to touch, teach, and heal millions of people.

25th - Like waves eternally lapping at the shore, Crystal, the Universe is eternally knocking at your door, with abundance and riches beyond imagine.

26th - Crystal, right now, all around you, outside your door, down the street, and in every corner of your world, there's evidence of a conspiracy. All the elements are secretly marching to the beat of your drummer, while casually pretending to be detached and indifferent.

29th - The cards of life are stacked in your favor, Crystal. Overall, you're far more likely to succeed than fail, and to thrive than dive. Don't let the inevitable setbacks get you down. After all, having a Monthly Income is not asking for much!

30th - Don't forget, Crystal, to put a picture of yourself in your scrapbook or on your visionboard! I'd hate to deliver your new Monthly Income to the wrong person.
And for those of you who expressed worry, I am better this 'morning'. I think hormones may have had a bit of involvement last night. Plus I've always been more suseptible to feelings in the night time hours...

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