Monday, November 17, 2008

Front & Back

Hello My Loyal Readers,

So years ago Tyler and I stumbled upon an agruement about a coin. I said on particular side is the front & he was outraged to think that I thought that as he felt the other side was the front. Turns out there isn't really a "right" answer when it comes to the public's point of view. We got married anyway, despite our differing opinions, LOL but he started thinking about it again so I thought I'd blog it & get a poll from y'all. So look at the picture above and tell me, it terms of heads and tails, which is the front for you & what's the back?

I'll post as a comment which one I think is which...please do the same :-D

Caio for now,


  1. I think the "tail" is the front as it determines what the amount of the coin is, and that the head is the back.

    Canadian Mint website:
    Obverse - head
    Reverse - tail

    Head is on the front of the animal & tail is on the back...

  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I agree with you. I've always considered the "tail" the front, although now that I compare it to an animal, it seems kinda wrong. LOL. Very interesting...

  3. I've always thought that too & I don't like how my "evidence" seems to stack up against me to be wrong *pout* I am not good at that ha ha

    I asked my Aunt & Grandma last night & my Aunt was with my while my Grandma was with Tyler. Then my Grandma was all like "that's a really weird thing to think about..." She's like 62?

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    yes, i've always assumed the tails side is the front..

  5. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I always thought the head was the back of the coin...Mel
