Thursday, December 28, 2006

New Year's Resolutions 2007

1. Continue reading more.

2. Minimize in-laws rants to Tyler.

3. Improve health by:
a) Pursuing fun types of exercise.
b) Minimize junk food eating.
c) Explore stress relief (i.e. mediation, yoga).
d) Getting more sleep (in bed by 11:30pm on weeknights).

4. Get back on track buget-wize & stick to it.

5. Improve puntuality for all events (work, social, etc.).

6. Explore alternative ways to earn money (i.e. via internet, self-employed).

7. Continue being crafty (Scrapbooking, Gift Baskets).

8. Utilize my blog more.

Any suggestions (I know I'm opening Pandora's Box here)?

In-laws or out-laws?

My mom told me that I shouldn’t talk bad about my in-laws in front of my husband, that it might make him uncomfortable. Unfortunately that is really hard to do. So instead I’m going to try to do all my ranting via blog. Enjoy my pain.

So I’m assuming that you’ve read the recent blog of mine “Christmas Holidays.” If you haven’t, go read it. Now.

Welcome back. Oh, I almost forgot a small tid bit that happened right before I left. It was about 30 minutes from the time I was leaving for Edmonton (a pit stop on my journey to Grimshaw). Willie/Larry, Tyler’s dad calls to check on the plans. We confirm that we are having dinner on Monday the 25th. I start to say I bought lots of food, “Potatoes…” he interrupts me “Did you buy any cranberries?” Me: “Oh, no. I don’t eat them so I didn’t think of it. You guys will have to pick some up as I’m leaving right away.” Then I go on to invite him & Kris (the step-mom) to stay over on Christmas Eve so we can all be together that night & first thing in the morning. He declines by saying “no, all our clothes are here so we’d better stay here.” Um, okay. That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but whatever. Then when I got to Edmonton Tyler informed me that after we hung up, Larry called Tyler and said “All Crystal bought was potatoes & she told me that if I wanted cranberries I better buy them myself”, making me sound all bitchy. I was livid. He’s such a backstabber.

Okay so you know that Tyler & I am leaving Grimshaw on Christmas Eve to come back to spend Christmas with his dad. We arrive at his house at about 6:10pm (supper was suppose to be ready for 6, it’s not ready yet). So we are hanging out in the half torn down house of theirs checking out the improvements (my opinion – they haven’t done that much in 4 months). As I am playing with my niece Willie says he’s saving all the supper dishes (despite the fact that he had nothing to do with making supper) for me to do cuz he’s “never seen me do the dishes a day in my life.” Excuse me, $!@* [insert expletives here]. First off, I always offer to do the dishes EVERY time we have dinner with them. I’ve never seen him do dishes a day in HIS life. It really bugs me, especially since Tyler has that fight with his dad back in May where Larry torn me down the whole time. It’s so disrespectful. So that ruined the rest of my night because Tyler didn’t hear it & I was fuming about it.

I had wanted to leave their place by 9pm because I still had presents to wrap before the next morning and food to take out to thaw. We didn’t get home until 10:30pm. Awesome. We thought Kim, Tyrone and Kira were right behind us but they didn’t show up until about midnight. Which was considerate of them to call and let us know (I was worrying as usual).

The next morning (Christmas Day) we had said that we were opening presents at 10:00am. So at about 8:30am I got up and started to make crepes and bacon for breakfast. Tyrone came down and started to make buttermilk pancakes but whined that we needed more meat like sausage and stuff. I told him I had plenty of appetizers to get through the day so not to worry about it. Tyler wanders downstairs and helps out wherever we need him (setting the table, making juice, etc). Kim sleeps in, then comes down to eat once everything is ready cuz I guess Kira was up all night. Larry and Kris showed up at 9:59am, walking in they say “what, no eggs?” Bastards. It’s amazing I don’t backhand them on instinct. So they insist on cooking up their “free range brown eggs” to eat. Corrections: high maintenance bastards. I point them to the pan and say “go for it”, I’m not delaying my breakfast for them. After we are all done eating we all clean up the kitchen except for Larry & Kris who just sit at the table.

Presents time. We get money from the evil parents but not without an uncalled for rude comment in the card about my “wish list” and the strings that we “better buy something with the money”. Kira (4 months old) had a lot of fun opening her presents and I had fun giving them to her.

So after presents are over Larry tries to recruit me to help with his stuffing, I don’t think so. They said they’d do Turkey/Stuffing/Gravy and we have to do everything else so I’m not pitching in with their stuffing. Tyler, always the sucker, helped him. After they were done, they popped the turkey in the oven then said adios, they had friends to go visit apparently. I’m not really sure why the visit couldn’t have waited until the next day? I mean they made a big deal about wanting to host Christmas Day & then they don’t even spend the day with them…it doesn’t make sense. When they finally came back we made them do the dinner dishes. Ha ha. So now I have seen Larry do the dishes. After dinner we played games (urban myth, piss pot) and had fun. I guess Larry isn’t pure evil, because I do enjoy the card game piss pot which he taught me.

After the games I asked if anyone wanted my dessert: Apple Raspberry Crisp. Kris asked me “did you make it yourself” before answering (she always does that). I lied: sure [no I didn’t some of us aren’t retired thank you very much]. Then, really surprised by the fat that I may have made it myself, she agreed to try some. Then I couldn’t lie so I admitted that I didn’t make it myself, though I did go to great lengths to make it look like I did (i.e. transferred the dessert to one of my casserole dishes)…so that’s my wonderful Christmas with my crappy in-laws.

This weekend we are due to visit Tyler’s mom for her Christmas over the New Year’s Weekend where we are doing fondue. I’m quite partial to the downstairs bedroom as I like the bed, privacy & the separate bathroom down there. Kim tried to “dibs it” at our house claiming some crap about her back, but I pointed out that it’s too cold down there for Kira, Mary smokes in the room right beside it & we had some of our stuff there already. It’ll be interesting to see how that turns out. If it gets ugly I’ll be sure to write a blog about it…until then!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Silver Lining

Things happen in threes. I’ve been told that a lot and believe it too.

Number One:
A few weeks back, on a Friday, my mother-in-law called us to tell us she wouldn’t be coming to visit that weekend. She lives in Edmonton and she had been T-boned by an old lady who ran a red light. Mary drove a Cavalier from the 90s and this was its second accident so it ended up being a write off.

Number Two:
On Tuesday, my dad calls me at work and says “Your mom’s all right but she was in an accident last night”. As she was going to pick up Calli from her boyfriend, Darren’s house she came across five moose on the highway and couldn’t avoid hitting two of them. It did a lot of damage to her Ford Escape (SUV) but she managed to drive the last 10 minutes or so to Darren’s house to get help. In the end the insurance adjuster said there was $21,000 of damage & so her vehicle was a write off…this picture is her vehicle. My mom went to test drive another Ford Escape and had a bit of a panic attack. So she decided to get a Ford Explorer Sport Trac because it’s bigger and tougher.

Number Three:
My mom calls me on my cell phone last night to tell me that “Your brother’s okay but he’s been in an accident” (I think my parents took the same bad-news seminar). My bro was a passenger in a company truck that ended up rear ending a semi who was stopped on the highway. The truck is in pretty bad shape (again I believe a write off), and my bro had to climb out the front windshield to get out. I guess both guys (drive & Cody) have some bumps, bruises, soreness etc but are all right. Not too mention quite shook up. It turns out my brother wasn’t wearing a seatbelt but was lucky enough to look up and brace himself for the accident. My mom said if he doesn’t start wearing a seatbelt she’ll kill him herself!

So I just wanted to write this blog to be thankful that although my family members have gotten into some scary accidents that the vehicles suffered the most damage & not them. Wishing everyone (including myself) safe journeys this holiday season.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Holidays

Christmas, ah, a magical time of year…if you’re not married that is!

Christmas day with my family is great (I may be bias): we have stockings and tons of thoughtful presents. My Mom always goes overboard with presents. My siblings are younger still (Calli - 16 & Cody - 18 now) so we still have a bit of that excitement Christmas morning…

Our old tradition was that us kids got up super early. We’d rip into our stockings to see what treasures they’d hold. Next we’d try to wake up Mom & Dad who would insist that we make them coffee first and deliver it to them in their beds (in the wisdom of my older years I see this was a cleverly crafted delay strategy to get them more sleep). As my brother and sister worked on convincing them it was time to wake up, I’d sort the presents into piles so that we could all sit back and open presents one by one. I know that some families watch each member open each present but that would take too long in my family! My Mom & Dad did sit back and watch us before they opened there’s. Someone usually got a movie for Christmas so after we open the presents we’d pop one in and then start tinkering with our stuff. When I was in school I usually ended up calling a friend or two in the morning and we’d discuss what we got as my parents would start cleaning up the wrapping and making something for breakfast (nothing too fancy).

My first Christmas with Tyler’s family was actually sad. I didn’t think that it would matter cuz I said that Christmas was just a day, and you could celebrate it whenever you wanted. However, Mary (Tyler’s mom) ended up staying over at her boyfriend’s house so we had to wait for her to show up before we could open our presents Christmas morning. And there were no stockings to hold us over. If I remember correctly it was near noon before that happened. Quite the contrast to my early morning ritual with the Johnson Family. I called my family while I was waiting for Mary and I had to hold back tears when I heard how much fun everyone was having without me back in Grimshaw.

My husband has parents that are divorced so we have the added challenge of trying to accommodate three sets of parents instead of the normal two. And Tyler’s parents seem to think they are the only ones: for many years now Tyler’s Mom Mary and Dad Larry (but he likes to pretend his name is Willie) took turns on whose year it was to see the boys on Christmas day, and they seem to think that rotation should continue, but where do my parents fit in? Sometimes his family is so selfish.

Last year was our first year in our new house that we had built & was officially in our names (no more renting). We wanted to host all the families at our house. Tyler’s Dad and new wife didn’t want to come over on Christmas Day is Mary was going to be there (& they’ve been divorced since Tyler was three), so we did the Red Deer Buffet on Christmas Eve with them. For Christmas Day we had my parents, my brother & his girlfriend, my sister, my aunt & uncle, my 2 cousins, their ferret, Tyler’s Mom & her boyfriend, Tyler’s brother Tyrone & his pregnant girlfriend, my 2 dogs, and my 2 cats. Now our house is about 1500 square feet and is a 2-storey + basement but it was BUSY: 15 & ½ people, 2 dogs, 2 cats & a ferret!! LOL But it was wonderful.
Tyler’s Dad moved back from BC this year to a house on an acreage about 30 minutes from Red Deer. His wife Kris said they wanted to host Christmas this year so we all agreed to it (Tyler’s brother, Kim (the girlfriend) and us). Then Willie & Kris told us that their house wouldn’t be done the renovations so we moved the location to our house, which is fine. Then in November we were out to breakfast with Willie, Kris, Kim, Kira (the new baby) and Tyler and I when Willie told us “We’re doing the turkey and stuffing you guys can handle the rest.” Um, thanks? I thought hosting meant you provided the dinner? So basically I am hosting if I am not mistaken. The icing on the cake was when Kris said she wanted to host next year. Um, no. You had this year & you threw it away. Kim & I have families that we like to see at the holidays too. You don’t get to monopolize two years in a row. That just cheeses me.

The big wrench in that plan is that we are doing my family Christmas early & driving back from Grimshaw on the 24th. So I have to have all the food bought and in my fridge before I leave on the 20th. And Tyrone, Kim & Kira are staying in our house from the 22nd to 25th so I am a little worried that they might eat the stuff I intend for Christmas Day! Guess I’ll have to make a list & warn them not to eat it.

We’re doing Mary’s Christmas on New Year’s weekend. She said we’d probably be tired of turkey so we are going to do a fondue night. I’m pretty excited for that as I’ve never done fondue before & I just bought a small one for chocolate.

So best wishes to everyone on this Holiday Season & may your plans be as hectic as mine!

Friday, December 15, 2006


Hello All,

I was nearly taken in by a scam this week so I want to tell the world (or at least my faithful blog readers) all about it in this warning.

My husband received a mass mailer inviting him to a luncheon about how to make money on the internet. It included lunch & an organizer and was all for free. I was pretty skeptical about attending as I don't do well with sales pressure (READ: can't say no) but my hubby really wanted to go. So to be supportive I decided to attend (hey free lunch). The pitch was from an American Company called Stores Online.

The Luncheon:
The idea of the luncheon was to get you to sign up for a seminar for $20 a few weeks later. They said that they were an internet website hosting company that also sells software that helps you market your website. The workshop would give you some tips for marketing, help you come up with a business idea and then at the end they hoped you'd sign up to go through their company.Even though the workshop was only offered in Edmonton and on a weekday I signed figuring I had to take a risk & that I may learn something. And again it included lunch. Before leaving the luncheon they told you that regularly they sell1 website and their hosting for 1 year for $2800 + $2700 = $5500...however if you bought with them within the first 90 days they'd waive the $2800 (how thoughtful of them).

The Seminar:
So late Tuesday as I'm driving to Edmonton I start regretting signing up for this workshop. It is being held at the Ramada which I have to find all on my own and it’s late so I’m tired. The day is to start at 8:30am and go until 6:30pm (now I’m a government worker so I’m used to 8:15 – 4:30 with plenty of breaks) which is sounding really LONG to me. I also forgot to discuss with my husband what his thoughts were going into it (like would he be interested in buying?).
I arrive the next morning at the hotel not having eaten breakfast. The drive took me longer than I thought it would my mother-in-law’s house and I had planned on grabbing something on the way. Walking into the room I realized I didn’t have time to get anything and the company hadn’t brought in any breakfast. So I grabbed this itty bitty teacup and ate some candies I had brought with me (mmm, nutritious). I was seated at a table with two very nice people, a gentleman named Wilf ( and a lady named Tracey. Despite the fact that we were told we’d get lots of one on one training & that sitting was limited I counted about 12 rows of 16 people equaling 192 people and only about a dozen Stores Online reps.
The presenters were upbeat, likeable and funny. However they had this really great way of talking about nothing for a long time. By the first break at 9:30am they had us all fill out a credit check for so we could see if we were approved for their financing…I hesitated knowing that every credit app reduces your credit but for some reason I signed it. Then they even convinced me to give them my credit card to ensure I could make the down payment needed. The “this day only” deal was the following:

3 Websites + Customer Service Support for $2700 or
6 Websites + Customer Service Support for $4900

BUT you also need to buy the eCommerce software which allows you to take credit cards securely over the internet for $999 & this Auto Responder software that is $399 or $499 (for 3 or 6 sites respectively). Also, once your websites were active then you were charged $24.95/month for hosting. Totally $4098 or $6398 for the one day.

That is a lot of money, however they make it sound like with your effort it will be no time before that’s paid back. Between break and lunch one of the reps came over and stroked my ego by telling me that I have excellent credit and to be sure to go the “break out session” during lunch. By 1pm I’m starving. I head over to this session and find out they are trying to get us to buy right then and there. I say I still need to think about it.

Wilf decides he’s learnt all he can and that he is leaving. Before he goes he handed me a couple papers he’s printed off the internet, one showing an article about Stories Online being investigated in their home state and another from an unhappy customer. Let’s just call that the seed of doubt.

After lunch we hear some good info about marketing and how some of the tools they have are exclusive to Stores Online. That would include the “Reverse Search Engine Tool” which in my opinion is the only reason I would buy with Stores Online. This tool allows you to type in keywords and see how many people typed in those same words in a search engine in the last month. Great opportunity to look at the internet market of what you want to sell before investing any money.

I get pulled out to have my “one on one” time with a rep: Mark. I asked him about how you would get legal information to report your online income. His answer: it’s all on the software. He asked me why I wanted to do this (I think about everyone’s answer is the same): to make money so you don’t have to have a job. Then I said that I didn’t want to make a decision before I talked to my husband (who I had text message to call me ASAP as he was at work in Fort McMurray). He pitched the financing to me: it was a two year loan at 18% (yep that’s high).

At our next break I decided to call my bank and see if I could get a line of credit through them for less. The answer was yes: prime + 2.75% (working out to 8.75 right now). However the money wouldn’t be available for 3 business days. I asked Mark how that could work. He said I could write him a postdated cheque for that. Then right about 5:30pm Tyler called. Thank god, $6400 is a lot of money and I wasn’t comfortable making that decision by myself. I started to tell Tyler about it and he says “do what you think” (thanks honey). I said no I’m not doing that, and then I told him more about it. I was slowly starting to realize that I was trying to talk Tyler out of it. When he said no it’s not a good idea at this time in our lives I was relieved.

Coming back to the room Mark came over and asked if I just talked to my husband. I said yes and he vetoed it. He tried to dig a little harder and I said right now we couldn’t take this financial risk. He approached me again and tried to convince me again. I said no firmly. He left me alone. (What person would hear “no” from their spouse and then willing go out and spend the $6400 anyway?). The workshop didn’t end until about ten to seven…by the time I gathered my stuff, talked to my mother-in-law and drove home it was after ten. I was exhausted.

Last Night:
I was trying to fix my computer (it has some viruses) when I was googling stuff (as in When I googled “reverse search engine” I discovered the following site:

Here there were several rants about Stores Online as well as a link to the FREE reverse search engine this is EXACTLY the same as the one Stores Online claims to have an exclusive on:

So I am really thankful I hadn’t purchased such an overpriced product.

I did learn a few things from the workshop so it was worth my $20…but let me save you your pennies. If you want to know about the following let me know (I will pass it on for $19.95, just kidding completely FREE):

-learn what a “reverse search engine” is and why it’s useful,
-learn how to get yourself to the top spots in a “relevancy based search engine”,
-learn how to get on the sponsored links of 120 search engines (,
-learn about drop shipping,
-learn about Auto Responders,
-learn about free samples,
-learn how to find business partners on the web (

That’s it for today…remember to trust your gut & be skeptical! Any company that doesn’t respect my right to go home and research them before handing over my money is not a company I want a relationship with.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

ENGL: Final Submission (but far from last edit)

Her Office

It was like a honing device: that little golden envelop at the bottom of my screen. It was silent and measured no more than half a centimeter each way, but I had developed a sixth sense for the moment it popped up onto my screen, luring me with new mail. I couldn’t resist. Double clicking, Lacey’s message appeared: Vi: SD strikes again...must have had bitch flakes for breakfast...details at ten. P.S. – I just love that new Kayne West song: Goldigger!
Lacey had to have a touch of Schizophrenia to be so paranoid about company e-mails; I knew no one bothered to read them. I shook my head at the code name Lacey insisted on using for Bette, our boss and secretly my sister. It was against company policy to hire family members into the same department; however, thanks to our Mom and her string of boyfriends we had different last names so no one would be the wiser if my sister and I both kept our mouths shut. My fingers flew over the keys even though her blue fabric lined walls were a mere three feet away: Break room?(yeah it has a great beat) Then, her quick reply: Of course.
Glancing at my watch I knew I had a few minutes to spare. I searched my three by three foot cell this company called a cubicle and grabbed the decoy file before making my way to Bette’s corner office. The Anna Nicole Smith signed poster came into view as I neared Lacey’s cubicle. I tried to sneak past but her mock whisper was hard to ignore.
Lacey nodded her head towards Bette’s office, “You get called by the She Devil?” she asked.
“Um, yeah. Right after you emailed.” Lie. I quickened my steps so she wouldn’t be able to read face.
I hovered in her doorway until Bette gave me the wave to come in, efficient as always she didn’t even lose her place on the pile of forms she was signing. She sat behind her heavy, mahogany desk like a judge conducting court. I closed the door behind me - we would need privacy for this - then sat in the straight backed chair opposing her. Despite the December chill outside there was a fan blowing on top of Bette’s filing cabinet: her South and West facing windows were to blame. The winter sun shined through the crystal angel I recognized as the one Mom had bought her Bette-Boo for Christmas, and the colorful beams danced in front of her work pile.
“How can I help you Viola?” She asked, her brow wrinkled in typical older sister concern, her fingers continuing their diligent work with the pen. She didn’t even look at the decoy file I had placed open on her desk; it had been one of her great ideas when I first started here.
“Why do you always pick on her?” I questioned. “You may not like the way she dresses Boop, but she gets the job done. In fact I’m sure her stats are better than most of the slackers out there.” I attempted to stare her down, then lost as usual. Bette dropped her pen with a sigh, the throat vein was throbbing.
“First of all,” she started, “you are not to refer to me as ‘Boop’”. She hated my version of the nickname. “Even behind closed doors. You know the consequences if they find out; I’ve stuck my neck out for you and would appreciate if you’d follow the ‘rules’.”
Grumbling under my breath and starting to slouch down in my chair I responded “I know, I kno-.”
“Secondly,” Bette continued, “I can’t have you running in here to be a hero every time I ask Lacey to redo some numbers. And it has nothing to do with the way she dresses. However,” God, she looks just like Mom lecturing us when we were kids. “I will be bringing up the dress code again at our next meeting to emphasis that we must be wearing professional business wear at all times. Even if the men in this organization have no complaints. How can you have anything in common with her? She’s nothing more than a professional harlot?”
I protested, “Professional harlot is pretty harsh.”
“Viola,” I hated when she said my name like that, “if I bring clients in here I don’t want them thinking we are running a brothel.” Brothel? Hmm, I remember Bette layering just as revealing skirts and shirts under the old lady wear Mom insisted we don for school. Bette picked up her pen, signaling the end of our conversation, but I wasn’t finished.
“It’s not what you say Bette, it’s how you say it. Maybe you take after your father a lot more than you want to admit.” I grabbed the file and left her office in a huff. So what if I was a breath away from eviction when Bette came to my rescue with this job? There was nothing glamorous about the data entry slash sales job and she had ‘rules’ just as she always did. But it paid the bills and I was desperate; it’s ironic how the job that I got with my degree didn’t pay enough to cover my student loan payments. This whole plot had seemed like a great idea at the time.

A few minutes later my heel tapped in unison to the silent song that the overhead fluorescent lights were beating out. I was playing the part in Lacey’s conspiracy huddle at the small, circle table as she complained about my sister.
“Then,” Lacey paused for dramatic effect. Her next words were muffled from the fat free bran muffin - smothered in butter - she had shoved in her mouth, “she told me to redo the order form as the numbers ‘didn’t quite add up’.”
I tried to think of what someone who wasn’t related to the “She Devil” would say, “That sucks” seemed safe.
“Tell me about it,” Lacey said. More bran muffin, then, “I can’t figure out where my mistake is. Do you think there could be a problem with the formulas?”
“I doubt it,” I said with a grin. “It’s probably just a couple inverted numbers. Want me to give it a quick look over? A fresh set of eyes usually helps.”
“You’re such a doll.” Lacey said, returning the smile. “The polar opposite of SD! That chick needs a man to loosen her up. ” Lacey tipped her head towards the giant analog clock above the EXIT sign. “Better get back before the time warden’s report us.”
As we made our way back through the maze of cubicles my stomach felt as if a cat was trying to claw it’s way out. I hated all the lying (or the absence of the truth, as Bette called it). Lacey and I were starting to become good friends and you can only avoid the family questions for so long. What if we started hanging out outside of work? Was I going to run around trying to hide every Bette picture every time she comes over? No, I could trust her. It will feel good to tell someone. To get this off my shoulders.
“Are you free to go for coffee after work?” I ask Lacey.
She looks puzzled for a split second, and then “Sure. Name the place.”
“Dino’s,” I said with a grin. I could feel the weight lifting already.

The next morning, as I made my way through the glass double doors separating the office from the street, I felt the best that I had in months. I hadn’t needed my daily cup of Joe on the way in, and I even bounced my way up the two flights of stairs instead of taking the elevator. By telling Lacey the truth I didn’t feel like a liar anymore. Of course she was surprised when I told her, but she hadn’t freaked out. In fact, she had been very understanding. She had smiled encouragingly as I pored out the whole story. We spent hours at the coffee shop as I told her first about Bette and I and then more about our childhood, which led to stories about my mother and her issues, and then more about Better and our power struggles.
Lacey was so easy to talk to. I suppose the brandied coffees may have helped. I had ordered the first one to calm my nerves and then Lacey had offered to buy the second round. And the third. And the fourth…how many of those had I had? Well Lacey can sure hold her liquor because she seemed to leave as sober as when we got there. When I teased her that she was getting me drunk to elicit information she paled and I apologized quickly. I didn’t want a little joke to come between our blossoming friendship.
I zipped and zagged through the other cubicles, heading towards Lacey’s pod first. Might as well say a quick hello now that we’re closer friends. My steps slowed as her pod came into sight. About half of her stuff was gone and the other half was packed into boxes. The company must be moving some pods around again. Weird that Lacey hadn’t mentioned that.
I was lost in thought when I settled into my own cubicle so I didn’t immediately notice the message taped to my screen. I chocked on my herbal tea when I read it: Please see Mr. Westin. Mr. Westin, the big cheese? Why would he want to see me? Scrambling through my drawers I located a blank pad of paper and a pen, then hustled to the elevator.
My mind raced with possible scenarios that would have trigger my appointment with Mr. Westin. It seemed like hours before the shiny metal doors parted to reveal a small, intimidating lobby. I stepped onto the black marble floor, slipping slightly, heals clicking rebelliously as I scurried over to the large desk that dominated the center of the space. The guardian of the doorway, Mrs. Perkins as per her nameplate, was answering the steady ringing of the telephone via her headset, shiny silver curls sprang loose from under her headset. A framed photo on her desk for all to see: Mrs. Perkins sprawled on a perfectly manicured lawn, her bright smile the center and surrounded by grandchildren of varying ages. The photo relaxed me as I envisioned my own grandmother. I tapped the pen on my pad of paper, reading the names engraved on the plaque behind her tightly wrapped bun as I waited. Mr. Westin – Senior Manager, West Division.
Her voice barked at me, echoing in the stark room, “Please stop that incessant tapping.” Startled I dropped the pen onto the floor; the sound seemed to annoy her even more as she peered at me through small, wire glasses. Hmm, more like an evil Mrs.Clause than my grandmother.
“I’m-,” bending over to pick up the offending pen, flushing neck up “here to see Mr. Westin.”
Her eyes swept over me, “Viola?”
I nodded, afraid to speak. In one swift motion she got up from her chair and had the door open. “Good luck,” she smirked after me. When secretary’s graduate do they get their own personal stash of cameras and microphones with their diplomas?
I read the names on the solid oak doors, after the third one I found it. Even the grain in the door seemed to be foreshadowing doom. I pause, knuckles ready to knock. Should it be a swift knock? Or my patented “jingle bells” knock? I opted for a business like short two raps.
A deep male voice boomed, “Enter.”
I subconsciously held my breath as I pushed open the heavy wood door. There were three people already in the room: Bette sat in the middle chair, she had turned to look at me and her eyes were red, swollen - I hadn’t seen Bette cry since we were kids; commanding attention from behind his desk sat Mr. Westin: greasy, curly black hair topped his small oval face, black thick frames sat on his large protruding nose. His face was marked from teenage acne which couldn’t have been more than ten years ago, and his slight frame looked like it was going to be swallowed up by the chair he perched himself from. Lastly in the third far chair was Lacey, wearing a Cheshire cat grin on her face and that was about it: her skirt was about a foot away from decent and she was aiming her exposed chest at Mr. Westin and his eyes kept darting to the target. Dread set in as I started to piece together what Bette must have already known.
“Thank you for finally joining us Ms. Gray. Please have a seat,” he gestured towards the remaining empty chair. “We have quite the situation here this morning. Ms. Gherkin here,” he gestured at Lacey, “has informed me about what was going on right under my nose. Sisters?” he scoffed. “Bette I thought you’d have more sense than that. Company Policy is clear about what I should do with you two in this situation.”
My chest felt like there was a time bomb ticking inside. Would he really fire both of us? Would the company press fraud charges? Omigod, what had we gotten into?
“However-” However was good. It gave me hope. I held my breath as he went on. “A mediocre manager is hard to find in this labor market let alone a great one. Data entry staff on the other hand,” he paused, a smirk emerging through his eyes and then twitching at the corners of his mouth, “are a dime a dozen.”
My heart registered the meaning of his words before my mind did. I was canned.
The weasel Westin continued “It is rare that we are able to find gems in our entry level positions so when we do, we like to cultivate them quickly.” He looked at Lacey, “Which is why I am going to be promoting Ms. Gherkin to account manager in our marketing division, here on the third floor, effect today. I believe you have already packed?”
I didn’t think it was a coincidence that he was promoting her to the same floor he worked on. “Just a few more little things, Mr. Westin,” Lacey reached out to squeeze his hand, then purred “Thank you for your confidence in me.”
“As for you Bette, I am deeply disappointed in your actions and I cannot leave you unpunished. Your bonus will be suspended and you will be on probation for a year. This will also be going on your permanent record.” To signal this he opened what I presumed to be her file and began to write in it. “I want to remind you of how nice I am being in this circumstance.”
He then picked up his phone and pressed a speed dial button “Yes Mrs. Perkins, can you call security in here please.” He hung up the phone and then directed his next comment towards me “Our security will escort you from the building and your personal items will be mailed to you. I shouldn’t need to tell you that we won’t be providing a positive reference but seeing as you’ve overlooked our other policies, well…”
A quick knock at the door could only be the security guards that were here to escort me away like a common criminal. As they hustled me out the hall and through the lobby I heard Mrs. Perkins call out “Have a great day!”

Friday, December 01, 2006

Oct 28 - Murder Mystery Train Ride in Stettler

Well me & 28 of my closest friends (not, mostly co-workers, some I knew some I didn't) went to Stettler to try out their Prairie Steam Ride. The cost was about $99/tax (plus tax) for the ride, dinner & a murder mystery play. Departing time was 2:30pm & arrival back from Big Valley about 8:30pm I believe.

Parts I enjoyed:
-the company on the train ride was good, gave us time to chit chat & catch up,
-the acting was pretty good,
-the popcorn on the train was delicious & affordable (only $1),
-the dinner was pretty good if I remember correctly,
-and the fudge I bought on the way back in Big Valley was amazing.

Parts I didn't enjoy:
-it was probably the first really cold day of the season,
-I felt a little carsick on the train,
-the plot line of the murder didn't amaze me,
-not sure that it was worth the price.

So that's my brief synopsis. There are other adventures available on the train such as train robbery, which may be a better value for the money?