Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Silver Lining

Things happen in threes. I’ve been told that a lot and believe it too.

Number One:
A few weeks back, on a Friday, my mother-in-law called us to tell us she wouldn’t be coming to visit that weekend. She lives in Edmonton and she had been T-boned by an old lady who ran a red light. Mary drove a Cavalier from the 90s and this was its second accident so it ended up being a write off.

Number Two:
On Tuesday, my dad calls me at work and says “Your mom’s all right but she was in an accident last night”. As she was going to pick up Calli from her boyfriend, Darren’s house she came across five moose on the highway and couldn’t avoid hitting two of them. It did a lot of damage to her Ford Escape (SUV) but she managed to drive the last 10 minutes or so to Darren’s house to get help. In the end the insurance adjuster said there was $21,000 of damage & so her vehicle was a write off…this picture is her vehicle. My mom went to test drive another Ford Escape and had a bit of a panic attack. So she decided to get a Ford Explorer Sport Trac because it’s bigger and tougher.

Number Three:
My mom calls me on my cell phone last night to tell me that “Your brother’s okay but he’s been in an accident” (I think my parents took the same bad-news seminar). My bro was a passenger in a company truck that ended up rear ending a semi who was stopped on the highway. The truck is in pretty bad shape (again I believe a write off), and my bro had to climb out the front windshield to get out. I guess both guys (drive & Cody) have some bumps, bruises, soreness etc but are all right. Not too mention quite shook up. It turns out my brother wasn’t wearing a seatbelt but was lucky enough to look up and brace himself for the accident. My mom said if he doesn’t start wearing a seatbelt she’ll kill him herself!

So I just wanted to write this blog to be thankful that although my family members have gotten into some scary accidents that the vehicles suffered the most damage & not them. Wishing everyone (including myself) safe journeys this holiday season.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Hope Christmas went well! Choosing presents should have been easy - cars for everyone!
