Thursday, December 28, 2006

In-laws or out-laws?

My mom told me that I shouldn’t talk bad about my in-laws in front of my husband, that it might make him uncomfortable. Unfortunately that is really hard to do. So instead I’m going to try to do all my ranting via blog. Enjoy my pain.

So I’m assuming that you’ve read the recent blog of mine “Christmas Holidays.” If you haven’t, go read it. Now.

Welcome back. Oh, I almost forgot a small tid bit that happened right before I left. It was about 30 minutes from the time I was leaving for Edmonton (a pit stop on my journey to Grimshaw). Willie/Larry, Tyler’s dad calls to check on the plans. We confirm that we are having dinner on Monday the 25th. I start to say I bought lots of food, “Potatoes…” he interrupts me “Did you buy any cranberries?” Me: “Oh, no. I don’t eat them so I didn’t think of it. You guys will have to pick some up as I’m leaving right away.” Then I go on to invite him & Kris (the step-mom) to stay over on Christmas Eve so we can all be together that night & first thing in the morning. He declines by saying “no, all our clothes are here so we’d better stay here.” Um, okay. That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but whatever. Then when I got to Edmonton Tyler informed me that after we hung up, Larry called Tyler and said “All Crystal bought was potatoes & she told me that if I wanted cranberries I better buy them myself”, making me sound all bitchy. I was livid. He’s such a backstabber.

Okay so you know that Tyler & I am leaving Grimshaw on Christmas Eve to come back to spend Christmas with his dad. We arrive at his house at about 6:10pm (supper was suppose to be ready for 6, it’s not ready yet). So we are hanging out in the half torn down house of theirs checking out the improvements (my opinion – they haven’t done that much in 4 months). As I am playing with my niece Willie says he’s saving all the supper dishes (despite the fact that he had nothing to do with making supper) for me to do cuz he’s “never seen me do the dishes a day in my life.” Excuse me, $!@* [insert expletives here]. First off, I always offer to do the dishes EVERY time we have dinner with them. I’ve never seen him do dishes a day in HIS life. It really bugs me, especially since Tyler has that fight with his dad back in May where Larry torn me down the whole time. It’s so disrespectful. So that ruined the rest of my night because Tyler didn’t hear it & I was fuming about it.

I had wanted to leave their place by 9pm because I still had presents to wrap before the next morning and food to take out to thaw. We didn’t get home until 10:30pm. Awesome. We thought Kim, Tyrone and Kira were right behind us but they didn’t show up until about midnight. Which was considerate of them to call and let us know (I was worrying as usual).

The next morning (Christmas Day) we had said that we were opening presents at 10:00am. So at about 8:30am I got up and started to make crepes and bacon for breakfast. Tyrone came down and started to make buttermilk pancakes but whined that we needed more meat like sausage and stuff. I told him I had plenty of appetizers to get through the day so not to worry about it. Tyler wanders downstairs and helps out wherever we need him (setting the table, making juice, etc). Kim sleeps in, then comes down to eat once everything is ready cuz I guess Kira was up all night. Larry and Kris showed up at 9:59am, walking in they say “what, no eggs?” Bastards. It’s amazing I don’t backhand them on instinct. So they insist on cooking up their “free range brown eggs” to eat. Corrections: high maintenance bastards. I point them to the pan and say “go for it”, I’m not delaying my breakfast for them. After we are all done eating we all clean up the kitchen except for Larry & Kris who just sit at the table.

Presents time. We get money from the evil parents but not without an uncalled for rude comment in the card about my “wish list” and the strings that we “better buy something with the money”. Kira (4 months old) had a lot of fun opening her presents and I had fun giving them to her.

So after presents are over Larry tries to recruit me to help with his stuffing, I don’t think so. They said they’d do Turkey/Stuffing/Gravy and we have to do everything else so I’m not pitching in with their stuffing. Tyler, always the sucker, helped him. After they were done, they popped the turkey in the oven then said adios, they had friends to go visit apparently. I’m not really sure why the visit couldn’t have waited until the next day? I mean they made a big deal about wanting to host Christmas Day & then they don’t even spend the day with them…it doesn’t make sense. When they finally came back we made them do the dinner dishes. Ha ha. So now I have seen Larry do the dishes. After dinner we played games (urban myth, piss pot) and had fun. I guess Larry isn’t pure evil, because I do enjoy the card game piss pot which he taught me.

After the games I asked if anyone wanted my dessert: Apple Raspberry Crisp. Kris asked me “did you make it yourself” before answering (she always does that). I lied: sure [no I didn’t some of us aren’t retired thank you very much]. Then, really surprised by the fat that I may have made it myself, she agreed to try some. Then I couldn’t lie so I admitted that I didn’t make it myself, though I did go to great lengths to make it look like I did (i.e. transferred the dessert to one of my casserole dishes)…so that’s my wonderful Christmas with my crappy in-laws.

This weekend we are due to visit Tyler’s mom for her Christmas over the New Year’s Weekend where we are doing fondue. I’m quite partial to the downstairs bedroom as I like the bed, privacy & the separate bathroom down there. Kim tried to “dibs it” at our house claiming some crap about her back, but I pointed out that it’s too cold down there for Kira, Mary smokes in the room right beside it & we had some of our stuff there already. It’ll be interesting to see how that turns out. If it gets ugly I’ll be sure to write a blog about it…until then!

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