Friday, December 01, 2006

Oct 28 - Murder Mystery Train Ride in Stettler

Well me & 28 of my closest friends (not, mostly co-workers, some I knew some I didn't) went to Stettler to try out their Prairie Steam Ride. The cost was about $99/tax (plus tax) for the ride, dinner & a murder mystery play. Departing time was 2:30pm & arrival back from Big Valley about 8:30pm I believe.

Parts I enjoyed:
-the company on the train ride was good, gave us time to chit chat & catch up,
-the acting was pretty good,
-the popcorn on the train was delicious & affordable (only $1),
-the dinner was pretty good if I remember correctly,
-and the fudge I bought on the way back in Big Valley was amazing.

Parts I didn't enjoy:
-it was probably the first really cold day of the season,
-I felt a little carsick on the train,
-the plot line of the murder didn't amaze me,
-not sure that it was worth the price.

So that's my brief synopsis. There are other adventures available on the train such as train robbery, which may be a better value for the money?

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