Thursday, December 28, 2006

New Year's Resolutions 2007

1. Continue reading more.

2. Minimize in-laws rants to Tyler.

3. Improve health by:
a) Pursuing fun types of exercise.
b) Minimize junk food eating.
c) Explore stress relief (i.e. mediation, yoga).
d) Getting more sleep (in bed by 11:30pm on weeknights).

4. Get back on track buget-wize & stick to it.

5. Improve puntuality for all events (work, social, etc.).

6. Explore alternative ways to earn money (i.e. via internet, self-employed).

7. Continue being crafty (Scrapbooking, Gift Baskets).

8. Utilize my blog more.

Any suggestions (I know I'm opening Pandora's Box here)?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Wow darling, one thing at a time. There are several more years to make New Year's resolutions. If you HAVE to be superwoman and committ to them all, then do one thing for a minimum of three weeks then add another to your routine, etc. It takes 21 days to create a new habit and you'll have a better chance of success if you add one things at a time.
