Friday, August 31, 2007

Justin Timberlake Concert

To appease my adoring fans (okay stop laughing) I am writing about the JT concert. First off I'm going to steal some lines from an article in the Edmonton Journal:

"The suave pop star FutureSex-ed 18,500 screaming fans -- a new attendance record for Rexall Place -- with his LoveSounds, intricate choreography and high-tech gadgetry on Tuesday night...By the time Timabland finally appeared on stage -- towards the end of Chop Me Up -- most fans likely forgot he was even part of the tour. The rapper/uber-producer, who cancelled his Aug. 5 gig at the River Cree Resort and Casino due to an extensive touring schedule, then went on to perform for another 20 minutes while Timberlake and his crew vanished to take a breather before the second half of their set."

So Justin was amazing...he only had one opening band, Good Charlotte, who played for about 30 minutes. It was refreshing not to have to listen to 2 hours of opening bands before getting to the main event (wait i think i just had an epiphany about how some men feel about foreplay LOL). He took the stage at about 8:40pm singing "Future Sex Love Sounds" (still stuck in my head for 4 days now), then dazzled me for almost and hour and a half with dance moves, lazer show and just his overall sexiness. At this point (about 10pm) Timberland took over the stage with what I now know was his version of a half time show sadly, without the wardrobe malfunction. Timberland was a nice little break however I was freaking out worrying "he still hasn't done SexyBack, Rock your Body, Cry me a River, or MOST importantly LoveStoned..." and thinking he was simply going to have an encore performance now. But he wowed me and everyone else by coming back and singing many, many more songs until about 11:20pm. In fact I thought the show was over when he finished up with SexyBack (an obvious closer choice) but he retured to the stage in a mere t-shirt & pants (still very sexy) and to his revolving piano to see a song or two more (slow ones, i have no idea what they were). At this point some bleached blonde be-otch rushed on stage. Justin held off security and allowed this rule-breaker to sit on his piano bench and sing along. That was the main negative of my evening, that he rewarded her behavior with what everyone would have wanted...that I by the time I arrived at home I had a full blown case of a flu/cold/fever. Yuck. But the concert was worth it!
P.S. Yep that's my photo from the actual concert. ~insert girl squeal here~

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So I was just reading the August newsletter for the new home business company I am in and my name is in there several times in the success section!

Top New Consultant s - July Sales : #10 in Canada

Top Wish Consulants - July Sales: #15 in Canada

Top Wish Consulants - Year to Date: #25 in Canada

"Top Wish" is money donated to the Children's Wish Foundation.

The last one is extra amazing cuz I have only been active for 3 months and the year to date is for 6 months...crazy :-)

So I am feeling pretty good about my sucess so far...yay me!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Do you know what irks me today? How my sister-in-law Kim seems to think that:

a) having a baby makes her time more important than mine,

b) having a baby entitles her to certain things over me,

c) having a baby entitles her to special treatment.

Basically she thinks that the world should revolve around her because her greatest talent was spreading her legs for the world's biggest loser (and I don't mean that NBC show).

Some examples:

-She is rarely on time because she 'has a baby to get ready too'. Therefore she doesn't respect our time.

-She makes plans &/or invites herself over whenever it is convenient for her because we should all 'be thankful' for her allowing us to see her daughter and respond to her beck and call.

-She thinks that her, her boyfriend & her baby deserve the basement bedroom at my mother-in-law's house over me & my husband because they need the privacy. Meanwhile I find out that they are splitting up. So since when does couple-living-in-sin-but-breaking-up-and-have-a-baby trump over married couple for privacy?

And that's all I can think of right now off the top of my head.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Mourning the Loss of My HouseHusband...

For about three years my husband worked in Fort McMurray as an electrician. His schedule sucked, varying from:

-4-10's (four days at 10 hours each, then three days off, repeat), to

-10 & 3's (10 ten hour days in a row, then 3 days off, repeat), to

-18 & 3's (18 ten hour days in a row, then 3 days off, repeat).

Basically it boiled down to he spent WAY more time in Fort McMurray with his co-workers then with me his wife (well I was a girlfriend for part of that time but you know what I mean). During that time I basically felt like a single mom to our 4 pets. I worked during the week, ran errands during the evenings and his weekends away, then had to adjust to his return every other weekend or so. The money was great, but the strain on our relationship was pretty hard. Especially when you factor in overbearing in-laws who seem to forget that you only see your husband 4 days a month and feel the need to intrude on those four days. Plus by the time Tyler got home I would always have this huge to-do list for him or both of us so our weekends were eaten up pretty fast (not to mention the 7 hour drive there and back).

So as of May 3rd or so this year he came home with the intention of looking for local work, building our fence and working on our yard. For the last three months he has basically acted as a House Husband since he wasn't working and I was. I took pretty much full advantage of this, getting him to cook meals, clean the house, look after the pets, help me with my side business, etc. It was nice to go from zero help to someone who could help full time. However, the lack of income he was producing meant our money levels were I helped him build his resume and he made some calls and today he was asked to meet a guy first thing this morning.

He was off to work before 7:30am...(which I'm sure came really early as he was in Calgary last night picking up our new patio set - hmm, I wonder why we have no money now?). Which meant that I had to put out the dogs this morning before I left...and I didn't realized this until I had already gotten out of bed later than usual. So I was extra late this morning. After I got back from lunch (which was not made for me as he wasn't there) I realized that I am going to have to adjust all over again. Hopefully this time it'll be a little more 50/50 (depending on his hours) but I will have to pitch in a lot more than I've had to for three months. Scary. And kind of lonely.

Don't get me wrong, it's very good that he has a job, it'll just be weird getting used to this change again. But, fingers crossed, at least this job is local and not 7 hours away so maybe we can be more of a "normal" family now...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Words from my (somewhat former) trainer...

So I used to train with this amazing individual Cabel and now he has a monthly newsletter that he sends out and I am getting it (perhaps his way of working on my mental block for training? possibly). Anyhoo, this part of his newsletter hit home for me & I thought I'd share, and since he encourages forwarding the newsletter I'm sure he won't mind me reposting it:

For many the summer months bring with them a harsh reminder of unmet fitness goals.While the toned men and slender women of the world put on their skin-tastic summer gear and proudly put themselves on display, those with jiggles and dimples would rather opt for a cover up and hang out under an umbrella.So why haven't you met your fitness goals? Why must you go through another agonizing summer, turning your head as you pass by a dozen magazines showcasing skinny celebrities in bikinis? You should be enjoying your summer days without wondering which pair of shorts covers the most. The truth is that anyone can get the body of their dreams...even you. And wouldn't it feel great to pull on your bathing suit without bracing yourself before looking in the mirror? You can turn your fitness dreams into reality-read on for the three things you need to begin achieving amazing results.

Your Mind You may be wondering what your mind has to do with getting your body into great shape. In a single word, your mind has everything to do with getting the body of your dreams. Your mind will single handedly make or break your success. How? Well, your mind works hard to reinforce the beliefs that you hold about yourself. If you think of yourself as a fat person, or an out-of-shape person, or just an average person then your subconscious mind will do everything in its power to keep you that way.It's like self-sabotage. However, if you begin to think of yourself as fit, healthy and attractive, then your mind will do everything it can to make your belief a reality. *Take time everyday to visualize your new body and to focus on your goals.

If you want to see the whole newsletter just give me a post letting me know &/or you can check out his new website at