Thursday, August 16, 2007


Do you know what irks me today? How my sister-in-law Kim seems to think that:

a) having a baby makes her time more important than mine,

b) having a baby entitles her to certain things over me,

c) having a baby entitles her to special treatment.

Basically she thinks that the world should revolve around her because her greatest talent was spreading her legs for the world's biggest loser (and I don't mean that NBC show).

Some examples:

-She is rarely on time because she 'has a baby to get ready too'. Therefore she doesn't respect our time.

-She makes plans &/or invites herself over whenever it is convenient for her because we should all 'be thankful' for her allowing us to see her daughter and respond to her beck and call.

-She thinks that her, her boyfriend & her baby deserve the basement bedroom at my mother-in-law's house over me & my husband because they need the privacy. Meanwhile I find out that they are splitting up. So since when does couple-living-in-sin-but-breaking-up-and-have-a-baby trump over married couple for privacy?

And that's all I can think of right now off the top of my head.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Wow...just, wow. She sounds like the perfect fit for your BIL!
