Friday, August 31, 2007

Justin Timberlake Concert

To appease my adoring fans (okay stop laughing) I am writing about the JT concert. First off I'm going to steal some lines from an article in the Edmonton Journal:

"The suave pop star FutureSex-ed 18,500 screaming fans -- a new attendance record for Rexall Place -- with his LoveSounds, intricate choreography and high-tech gadgetry on Tuesday night...By the time Timabland finally appeared on stage -- towards the end of Chop Me Up -- most fans likely forgot he was even part of the tour. The rapper/uber-producer, who cancelled his Aug. 5 gig at the River Cree Resort and Casino due to an extensive touring schedule, then went on to perform for another 20 minutes while Timberlake and his crew vanished to take a breather before the second half of their set."

So Justin was amazing...he only had one opening band, Good Charlotte, who played for about 30 minutes. It was refreshing not to have to listen to 2 hours of opening bands before getting to the main event (wait i think i just had an epiphany about how some men feel about foreplay LOL). He took the stage at about 8:40pm singing "Future Sex Love Sounds" (still stuck in my head for 4 days now), then dazzled me for almost and hour and a half with dance moves, lazer show and just his overall sexiness. At this point (about 10pm) Timberland took over the stage with what I now know was his version of a half time show sadly, without the wardrobe malfunction. Timberland was a nice little break however I was freaking out worrying "he still hasn't done SexyBack, Rock your Body, Cry me a River, or MOST importantly LoveStoned..." and thinking he was simply going to have an encore performance now. But he wowed me and everyone else by coming back and singing many, many more songs until about 11:20pm. In fact I thought the show was over when he finished up with SexyBack (an obvious closer choice) but he retured to the stage in a mere t-shirt & pants (still very sexy) and to his revolving piano to see a song or two more (slow ones, i have no idea what they were). At this point some bleached blonde be-otch rushed on stage. Justin held off security and allowed this rule-breaker to sit on his piano bench and sing along. That was the main negative of my evening, that he rewarded her behavior with what everyone would have wanted...that I by the time I arrived at home I had a full blown case of a flu/cold/fever. Yuck. But the concert was worth it!
P.S. Yep that's my photo from the actual concert. ~insert girl squeal here~

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