Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So I was just reading the August newsletter for the new home business company I am in and my name is in there several times in the success section!

Top New Consultant s - July Sales : #10 in Canada

Top Wish Consulants - July Sales: #15 in Canada

Top Wish Consulants - Year to Date: #25 in Canada

"Top Wish" is money donated to the Children's Wish Foundation.

The last one is extra amazing cuz I have only been active for 3 months and the year to date is for 6 months...crazy :-)

So I am feeling pretty good about my sucess so far...yay me!


  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    That's AWESOME!! Good for you!

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    wow! I'm so impressed. I mean, i'm not suprised because you're SO good at everything you do! but good for you :) that's a great accomplishment

