Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Words from my (somewhat former) trainer...

So I used to train with this amazing individual Cabel and now he has a monthly newsletter that he sends out and I am getting it (perhaps his way of working on my mental block for training? possibly). Anyhoo, this part of his newsletter hit home for me & I thought I'd share, and since he encourages forwarding the newsletter I'm sure he won't mind me reposting it:

For many the summer months bring with them a harsh reminder of unmet fitness goals.While the toned men and slender women of the world put on their skin-tastic summer gear and proudly put themselves on display, those with jiggles and dimples would rather opt for a cover up and hang out under an umbrella.So why haven't you met your fitness goals? Why must you go through another agonizing summer, turning your head as you pass by a dozen magazines showcasing skinny celebrities in bikinis? You should be enjoying your summer days without wondering which pair of shorts covers the most. The truth is that anyone can get the body of their dreams...even you. And wouldn't it feel great to pull on your bathing suit without bracing yourself before looking in the mirror? You can turn your fitness dreams into reality-read on for the three things you need to begin achieving amazing results.

Your Mind You may be wondering what your mind has to do with getting your body into great shape. In a single word, your mind has everything to do with getting the body of your dreams. Your mind will single handedly make or break your success. How? Well, your mind works hard to reinforce the beliefs that you hold about yourself. If you think of yourself as a fat person, or an out-of-shape person, or just an average person then your subconscious mind will do everything in its power to keep you that way.It's like self-sabotage. However, if you begin to think of yourself as fit, healthy and attractive, then your mind will do everything it can to make your belief a reality. *Take time everyday to visualize your new body and to focus on your goals.

If you want to see the whole newsletter just give me a post letting me know &/or you can check out his new website at

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