Thursday, March 26, 2009

Overweight & Pregnant

I really, truly desired to be in shape before I got pregnant. Now I didn't desire it enough to actually do the things required to get in shape, but you know, mentally I wanted it. One of the reasons is of course, health. But another reason of mine, is much more vain.

You know that adorable belly bump that some mom's are lucky enough to get? Well as of right now, if I have one, it's covered in a layer of fat. As the days and weeks and months progress I would much rather have a firm, obvious bump to show off then some extra belly rolls that could easily be misinterpreted as the results of my latest binge. So far, I have actually managed to lose a few pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight (somewhere around 10lbs as of today) so I am happy about that, and I can still where my normal jeans so far. So be happy about that right? Oh & for the record I am not dieting or anything. I am simply trying to make better decisions most of the time. And I'm having a lot of aversions to foods so I'll cook them and then not want to eat them. Or eat a bit and not want to see or smell that food again for at least a year! The only thing that has been safe for the most part is fruit and some sweets. Hopefuly baby takes what it needs, right?

The thing is, I've been admiring everyone's baby belly pictures for a while and I desperately want my own to show off. Some of you who are on facebook, may have noticed that I haven't put anything on there yet regarding the pregnancy. If I had something adorable to show off, it would probably be on there. But for the most part I think I look the same so I am waiting...most likely the first thing that'll make it on there, is our ultrasound pics for April 23rd.

Now of course, everyone's experience varies and not everyone has the body type that lends itself to the crazy bump that I visualize but damn it, I want it. It's still early days, I'm on the tail end of 14 weeks right now, so I'll be careful for what I wish for, but right now, I'm putting it out there that I want that belly LOL A lot of things are called "beautiful" during pregnancy that in my opinion, are not beautiful (they're kind of gross). I just want to look my most beautiful, pregnant - except for maybe my wedding day!
Now I am off to do something somewhat fun: shop for two different baby showers, both of which I am attending this weekend. The last time I went baby shower shopping I was attending two showers in the same weekend again...weird. Anyhoo, my friend Twylia is having twins due in May (one boy & one girl - yep I'm jealous) and she has one boy already. My cousin's girlfriend Megan is having a baby boy due in April. I kind of have a male mentality when it comes to baby showers, so I hope they are not too "fruity" or gay so to speak!
P.S. I am going shopping with less guilt because Tyler got a job again. Starts Monday! And I have an interview on Friday for a temping agency. Woo hoo!


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I am definitely not at my most beautiful when pregnant. Everywhere I go people tell me how sickly and pale I look. Oh well, the baby seems to be developing perfectly, which is the important part. I'm not a big fan of my baby bump. It mostly looks like I've put on weight. I think you need to be tall to get that perfect, adorable baby bump. 5'1" just isn't cutting it. LOL.

  2. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Can't wait to hear how the interview went.

    I agree with Danielle. I would much rather just skip the whole prego thing and have a baby lol. For me, I struggle with the fact that my mid section used to be my only "small" area - i have huge hips/thighs/butt, and taht didn't go away with pregnancy.. now i have huge lower body AND a big belly.

    I mean, don't get me wrong, sometimes I don't mind it.. but i think every women (no matter if they are told they are beautiful or not during) has their quams (sp?) with the whole belly thing!

