Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Nothing major going on but many minor things so just a general "updates" title :-D

First, I bought a Magic Bullet. For though of you who've been to certain parties, NO i don't mean one of those bullets. I mean the food processor that you've probably seen the infomercial for.

So far, you know, I am not really that happy with it. I really believed the infommerical when is subliminally suggested it would change my life! My main goal when I was considering purchasing it (which has been since before I went to Greece by the way, cuz I remember that the infomercial was on the plane ride and I was watching it for the second time) was for it to help me eat healthier by eating something like smoothies. Well, texture has always been a major category for me when it came to how I like food and I don't think I like the texture of smoothies. However there are a "wide" variety of things my Magic Bullet can make for me so I am going to google some recipes and see if I can't fall in love with it. That being said, this morning I tried to make a Mocha and it was...messy. I had just taken the blender part out of the dishwasher (which its allowed to do) but forgot to make sure the seal was still in place and apparently didn't seal it properly so I dripped coffee mocha all over my counter and the machine...more than once. So the machine does not get any points for making me grumpy and feel stupid, first thing in the morning!

Tomorrow I start my six day temping job. Pretty excited to make some money, meeting some people and hopefully feel good for being amazing LOL It's going to be quite a change for me (8:00am-4:30pm) compared to my schedule now but I have been practising getting up earlier all week. I still haven't been up and ready for the day before 8am but I'm hoping it'll go good. I decided that I need a new pair or two of dress pants, as the ones I have fit, but feel tight. Well, I was not in the right mood for shopping and after hitting both Reitman's (including the one I worked for, for one week) and then Walmart, I was only successful finding one pair that weren't what I was thinking but I liked the price ($14). I don't really want to go blow a bunch of money before I even make some (cuz that defeats the purpose and I'm trying to be better behaved) so I'm hoping the pants I have now will hold out for a least one more week. There's a lot of "hope" happening in this paragraph it feels like?

Hmmm, pregnancy wise I am feeling about the same. A little more tired they the "books" are saying I should feel but then I just read that could be related to low iron (which I've not been doing anything to improve my iron eating) so maybe I'll try taking the iron supplements again (they gave me uber nausea before). I have been having a lot of lower back pain which started travelling to my glutes (butt) & hips. I went to my massage therapist on Monday & then to the chiropractor today and felt much better just moments after the adjustment. Any action that required back muscles was really painful before (like turning in bed, or getting up from the couch or chair) so here's hoping that'll hold out!

My chiropractor also practises hypnosis so I've made an appointment for a session regarding "Pain Free Labor". I am all about any & all tools I can put in my belt to have a more enjoyable pregnancy experience and I really believe in the power of the mind so it only makes sense for me to do the hypnosis. For those who don't know much about hypnosis, or shy away from it, for me it's mostly just a guided version of meditation. It's getting yourself to a point where you can work in the background of your mind to help focus your thoughts. Today, during the chiro adjustment, Baker (that's the chiro's name) said that it's about switching your focus to labor being something you can't wait for, versus something you fear. I've always been very aware of my hypno sessions (I've done a few of them before) so stay tuned for posts about that sometime after the 25th which is when my appointment is.

As for exercise, I went through March with little to no effort down that avenue. With Tyler gone to work in Fort Sask as of last week, I feel like I have more hours in the day (for some bizarre reason) so I went swimming yesterday and today I took my dogs for a walk. I was taking anti-depressents before I got pregnant and planned to take them throughout the pregnancy but found they made me really nauseated so I haven't been on them. I really need to find other ways to keep my moods in check throughout at least the next 6 months and I've read and been told more than a few times that exercise releases endorphins. I haven't really benefited from any endorphin-happy moods yet but here's hoping! I've definitely noticed that I've been more likely to cry over nothing, grumpy & irritable (which is how I felt before I started taking my anti-depressents) so with the added factor of pregnancy I really have to be aware and watch myself. It also means I am more likely to get post partum depression so I need to be prepared for that as well. Good times! LOL

Today is the 8th and it is only 2 weeks and 1 day until my next ultrasound. I am putting a lot of pressure on that ultrasound as I really want to find out our baby gender. At this point I am leaning more towards wanting a boy for a few (probably unhealthy) reasons:

1) It'll help me avoid some of the hand me downs from Kim & Tyrone that I don't want (due only to the negative energy I associate with it).

2) I'm a retardedly competitive person and I feel like having a boy is a little bit more of a triumph for a few other reasons:

a) I'm reading the "Other Boleyn Girl" which takes place during the Henry VIII's time and I think some of it's seeped into my subconscious,

b) Kim & Tyrone want to have another baby which I'm sure they wouldn't be saying if baby number two was a boy so i'm hoping if I beat them to the punch maybe they'll stop their nonsense,

c) I think it would bug Tyrone if we (a.k.a. Tyler) had a boy before he did and since Tyrone always bugs Tyler about being a little sister I think it would challenge his manhood if Tyler produced a boy.

3) Right now we have two male dogs that I am VERY bonded with and it feels more natural to have another boy enter the house. Our cat is a girl and she drives me insane and I'm worried that our kids will follow the same pattern LOL

4) We already have a very cute, feminine purple room upstairs that we use as the guest room. I feel that the "office" room which is now going to be baby's room, needs to be masculine to balance out that end of the house.

5) It's the first legitimate baby on either side of our families (i.e. from a couple who is committed to each other, stable in their life & a planned pregnancy).

That being said I am just so excited to have any baby that I of course will love & cherish (that sounds gay) whichever baby gender we are having and I firmly believe that there are no mistakes and we will be given the right baby for what we need in our lives and for what that baby needs to do in life. So here are some reasons why having a girl wouldn't be so bad:

1) There are more female names that I like (and to choose from) than male names.

2) There seems to be a whole lot more girly stuff out there and a lot cuter things for girls (i.e. clothes, decorations, scrapbooking stuff).

3) Tyler isn't one of those male chauvenists who thinks boys are better (unlike HIS father).

4) I don't care for the "Nelson" last name so I don't really care if it lives on...

5) It would probably bug Willie (Tyler's dad) as he doesn't have any grandson's yet (though Kira is such a boy that she might as well be).

6) My family is hoping for a girl so they can buy girly things as my brother has a boy already.

Either way, it'll be a piece of the puzzle as we have only girls on Tyler's side, and so far only boys (my cousin is also having a boy) on my side. I just totally hate this in limbo part and I can't imagine feeling this for 6 more months! I'm glad technology has come far enough that I don't have to suffer through this much longer LOL Once we find out, I feel like I'll be more confident in designing the baby room, picking out names and even bonding with baby as I know one more piece of his/her identity. And I hate using "it" so that'll be a nice change.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle10:09 PM

    I am such a sucker for infomercials! I always believe them, even though I know I shouldn't. I end up wanting every product, despite the fact I have no use for most of them. Amazingly, I have never given into temptation. Have you seen the infomercial for the Pancake Puff Pan? I really want one! I've been eyeing them in the "As Seen On TV" store and I think I may end up with one in the near future. I was also planning to get a Magic Bullet, but I think I'll resist.

    As for your baby, I'm convinced it's a boy. I don't know why. I just picture you with a boy.
