Friday, April 24, 2009

Info Tidbit & Ultrasound Update

What is the difference between an ultrasound and a sonogram? (I get asked this a lot & I didn't know the answer but I came across it today)
An ultrasound is the machine that allows you to see your baby during your pregnancy. A sonogram is the picture taken of your baby during the ultrasound. A sonogram is a "still-shot" of your baby.
-I can't get into my Doctor until May 1st (next Friday), so I have to wait until that day to see if she'll even consider giving me another ultrasound rec form.
-I called Janeen, the Tech Supervisor, at CAMIS to follow up with my complaint and she basically informed me that they are there for medical purposes and it is not their job to entertain me and that if they see gender it is a bonus. She was super bitchy and defensive and not at all sympathetic. So either she's never been pregnant before, or she has benefited from working there as a pregnant person, or they didn't have the technology in her day so she doesn't care if I have access to it. Needless to say, she didn't care if my appointment was less than positive for me as long as they got the pictures they needed. Glad to see that Customer Service is still a priority for companies today!!!! Oh, and I'm pretty sure my tax dollars pay her salary...maybe I should write a snarky letter. A little sympathy would have went a long way with me rather than the cold, attacking defense she put out.

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