Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pregnancy Dreams

One of the most common experiences pregnant women have is "weird" dreams. I personally, have always had weird dreams! But now I feel a little more normal for it ha ha Here is a recount of my dream last night that left me very weirded out this morning...
I awake in a ficticious bathtub, having the knowledge that I've been in there for a while (anywhere from a few hours to a few days, I can't remember which one or if it was both, you know how dreams are). I feel kind of weird 'down there' so I reach down and feel that I am crowning! The nice thing is that I don't feel any pain, the not cool thing is that I am about to give birth. So Tyler calls an ambulance & I'm excited until I remember that I'm not even 5 months pregnant yet and that giving birth is a bad thing.
Dreams are so bizarre in how they cross real life with fiction. I watched an episode of "Cold Case" last night in which a woman who was sick, passed out on her bathroom floor, and no one found her for two days. So that could be part of the dream origin. As for the crowning, I'm not sure. It was creepy, and I've been creeped out all day remembering it!


  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    That's one thing i've had is odd dreams too! Like, they just kind of are so random and out of character that it makes you wonder where they are coming from. Alot of my dreams have been focused around slightly more negative experiences than i'm used to. (like someone kidnapping me, or getting lost or someone close to me dieing.. etc..)

    But i'm glad yours was just a dream and you aren't crowning! :)


  2. Danielle2:35 PM

    Crowning is creepy! Sure it's been done billions of times, by billions of women and it's supposed to be the most "natural" thing, but it's creepy. It's also horrific. LOL.
