Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Few Topics

Bella Bands

I've been having low back pain & some occassional pelvic pains so I thought this product, Bella Band might help. Its marketed as a product you can use from the beginning of pregnancy to the post labor days. Essentially it is a spandex tube top that you wear over your waste. I got it on Monday - so it's still early days - but I'd say my biggest complaint is that since its got spandex in it, it tends to "roll" up. Maybe that means I should have gotten the bigger size but I figured since the size three fit (yep i got to buy something in a size three, ha ha) that that's the once I should go with. I'll include a picture for your reference & I'll keep you posted on it.


Alright, so this girl I went to high school with who isn't a close friend but is kind of friends with a friend is pregnant right now. She had a baby in May of 2008 so with her due date info her first will be about 16 months when the second is born. I found out yesterday that her due date as been bumped up to October 2 (it was much later in October before) and since she had a c-section the first time, they will schedule her about two weeks before that for her c-section which puts it right around Sept 18th. Um, not only is my personal birthday on the 23rd but my due date is September 20th. I don't really appreciate sharing that time period with anyone else. Especially someone who just had a baby and doesn't need to hog my baby & birthday month LOL Thankfully she is not super close or anything but it's still annoying. My friend Shelley's boy was born on the 21st of 2007 so I wonder if she feels the same way about her boy's birthday. Hopefully the baby will be a week or two early so he/she doesn't have to share with anyone.

Husbands Who Work Away

Tyler has been working in other towns for a good chunk of our relationship. When your spouse works away for most of the week, it presents a few challenges: you have to do all the work around home by yourself, you get into your own schedule and then when they come home it messes it up, you just simply build your own private life and then have to fit them in when they're home on the weekends. I was willing to deal with these ramifications when it was just the two of us but I have said for a very long time that I wouldn't put up with that when we have kids. When Tyler used to work in Fort McMurray he caught the bus every Sunday in the Tim Horton's parking lot. While we waited for the right bus and the right amount of 'fullness' on the bus, I would watch the other families saying goodbye to their dad or husbands. There would even be van-ful's of kids saying goodbye. I decided then & there that it would be unfair to father & kids to have that kind of relationship.

Right now Tyler is working in Fort Saskatchewan. The plant there is booming despite the recession and there is at least a year's worth of work there, they are told. In my 8 1/2 years of experience with the Electrical Union I would say that about 90% of the jobs that are available have been in the Edmonton area or in Fort Mac. There have only been a handful of jobs in the Red Deer area and even in the Calgary area. So I basically told Tyler, that come September (when baby will be here) he needs to decide if he's going to quit the union and find an non-union job in Red Deer or stay with the union and we'll move to a community closer to Edmonton.

Even though I said come September, its really a decision that needs to be made closer to now...after all it might require selling our house here and looking for a house elsewhere and that doesn't happen overnight. And realistically, I don't want to be 9 months pregnant and moving or even non-pregnant with a very young baby. I don't think I wrote about this yet but if I did, I apologize for repeating myself!


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I bought a band thing from Shoppers Drug Mart actually.. it's not meant for pregnancy per say, but it has a hot/cold pack in it so you can enjoy that aspect of it as well. I liked it because it has velcro and you can adjust it accordingly. It's not something you could just wear all day and everywhere, but in the comfort of my home it elleviated alot of pain for me when those moments hit. (and it only cost $20! hehe). I have heard the bella band is awesome too, I can't wait to hear how you enjoy it at the end of the experience.

    Jealousy- thankfully she's not a close friend! I dont' think you should even think twice on it :P I have wondered though how Shelley feels as well having your baby due so close to Regan! shelley - do share! hehe (I know your answer, it'll go something like this "oh i'm just so excited that Crystal is having a baby! It would be awesome to share a birthday with Regan!!) <-- she's so much better than I am!

    Husbands who work away: I've said it once and will say it again - I would miss you terribly if you moved North-ward. I would understand.. but miss you none-the-less as we would see each other even LESS! I hope he chooses non-union :)


  2. Danielle11:18 AM

    I think you should move to Edmonton! You are here quite often anyway. My brother in law is also an electrician with the 424 and he always has in town work here in the Edmonton area. I agree that once the baby comes, you are going to want Tyler home. It's time to make Edmonton home! LOL.
