Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fatness or Baby Belly?

You's one pic of me sort've sucking it in & one letting it hang out.

We took these today, officially 18 weeks.

Only 5 more days until our Ultrasound :-D


  1. Danielle8:39 PM

    Baby belly! I can't wait to find out that you are having a baby boy. I love being told that I'm right. LOL.

  2. Did I tell you that you are the only person who has guessed boy? Well unless you count Kim, who has been saying girl since day 1, then suddenly decided to say boy about 2 weeks ago. What's that about?

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM

    aw you look great Crystal! :) Every 2-3 weeks, etc, post a new picture so we can see the progress!!
