Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another Nightmare

I woke up Saturday morning from the following nightmare/dream:
I had had the baby (it was a girl who looked a lot like baby Tehya) but for some strange reason I was unable to breastfeed for one month. So for some even stranger reason, Kim was breastfeeding my baby for me. So I was getting really upset because she was doing all the so called "bonding" with MY baby but everyone else seemed okay with it because it's oh so important for baby's to have breastmilk over formula. Finally I got upset enough that I got really mad at her and said it was my baby & I'd do what I wanted to do with her.
Now let's analyze that dream LOL Well I definitely have been feeling a lot of pressure from the world to breastfeed and I've definitely been struggling with the concept. The best way I can think to explain it, is that for as long as I've had boobs they have been a sexual object. I was never really the kind of kid who "dreamt" of being a mom so I never really thought of them in their real purpose of feeding babes. So it's a little weird to think of a baby sucking on my breast but to put it in a non-sexual context. Make sense?
Anyway, I've decided to try not to really stress or think about it right now. I'm hoping that once the baby arrives it'll feel more natural to me and it won't be an issue. I don't really buy into the whole "breast is best" propaganda that is put out into society and the anti-conformist in me wants to not do it simply to rebel. However I did find out that formula costs like $300/month and that is a lot of money to spend if I don't have to. I am also inherently lazy and popping a baby onto a boob sounds like less work in the long run than making bottles!


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Hey Crystal, I'm in the same boat as you. I am not on the breastfeeding bandwagon, and frankly am sick of everyone telling me that it's "so much better" because well, my mom didn't breastfeed me or my brother (well at least me, i am not 100% about my brother), and for obvious reasons (adoption) my younger siblings were not breastfed. Then compared to my Aunt/Uncle's family - she has 6 children and was bound and determined that BF was the way to go and BF them all for the year (at least) - well her kids are NOT by any means better off than the kids in my family.

    Anyways, my choice at the present moment is: I will BF at the hospital while i'm there as I actually do believe that first meal or two has some really good nutrients for the baby and I will evaluate at that moment how comfortable I am doing it. Now, that being said, I am leaning towards pumping for a month - and combo pumping/formula feeding depending how the BF experience goes. But I have already decided that come 1 month old, the baby will be most likely on formula full time. That's just my personal preference, which could change as anything can change when it comes to children..


  2. It's so exciting to talk to someone who is on the same page as me! Sometimes it seems that every baby topic is a war and I am on a side all by myself...glad to hear I am not alone :-D

  3. Danielle11:25 AM

    I hated breastfeeding, but I did it exclusively for the first 6 months of my daughter's life. I'm hoping to make it longer with this baby, maybe closer to 8 or 10 months. The research and science is there, breast milk is best. The babies I know that were breastfed are sick less often than the ones that weren't. Hudzyn didn't get her first cold until I quit breastfeeding. I intend to invest in a good pump this time around. I'll let you know how that goes for me. LOL.

  4. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I sure hope I haven't come across as "the enemy" on the topic of breastfeeding! ;) My personal opinion is that moms should just give it a fair shot, it can't hurt and it might be more comfortable and natural than you think. But I also acknowledge that it's not for everyone! I CAN confirm for a fact that breastfeeding is less hassle than bottles (cuz I've done bottles too)! :) Best of luck with whatever you choose. You'll be a great mom!
    - Diana
