Monday, September 14, 2009

A Baby Name Story

Remember when I discussed how I wasn’t going to tell anyone my baby name ideas for a variety of reasons? Well all of those reasons came to fruition when I told my mom “an idea” of the type of name we like.

It has been really hard to not discuss the names we have in mind and get feedback from people as that is what I do with almost EVERY decision. However, I really don’t want anyone’s feedback unless it is positive so why take the chance? I was discussing names with my mom – probably a couple months ago now, and she is dying to know as she is as curious a person as I am most times, so I threw her a bone. I said that one of the names we like is Spencer (knowing that we liked the feel of it but probably weren’t going to use it) and that specifically I liked ‘Spencer Reid Nelson’. However Tyler vetoed that combo as I had gotten it directly from a TV character whose name is Spencer Reid. I was arguing that we know it sounds good together that way LOL Anyway my mom was like “Ooooh, I really love Spencer” blah blah blah. Okay cool. But as much as I like the name, “baby” doesn’t feel like a Spencer to me at the moment. She tried to prod for more names but I didn’t want to give her any more.

Then a few weeks ago I was talking to my friend Vanessa about names and how we were still unsure of what we were going with and Vanessa said “your mom told me a name I really like but I don’t want to tell you cuz then you won’t use it”. I made her tell me anyway thinking it was a NEW name suggestion I hadn’t heard when she said “Spencer”. I thought “oh great. Good thing I’m not actually thinking that name cuz obviously my mom shared it with other people already.” And for us, since we’ve found out & revealed the gender, I want to keep something a surprise announcement for when baby comes. Otherwise they’d be like oh okay, baby spencer is here. Big whoop.

THEN, on Saturday I had lunch with Vanessa, Melody & Dale (Mel’s brother) in Edmonton. Again, I brought up names cuz I like to try to get suggestions from people. Melody says “I don’t like Spencer, it makes me think of Spencer Pratt” [noting that I didn’t say Spencer so she must have heard it from Vanessa]. Again, good thing I’m not actually 100% for that name or that would have bummed me out. Though I have to say, I don’t think Spencer Pratt has fame staying power and that by the name my kid goes to kindergarten I’m pretty sure everyone will have forgotten who Spencer Pratt is and any associations with the name.

The point of my story is that when I threw out this red herring name, I got [unrequested] negative feedback about it and people found out about it that I wouldn’t want to know about it. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were a few people who ended up giving birth to boys & using Spencer in the Peace River area now too (as that is my other reason for not wanting to share, don’t want to plant the name seed into people’s minds). It makes me really glad I didn’t share any of the names that are closer to my heart.

SO, we still have quite a few names in our name bank, probably like a dozen, with a couple front contenders. I feel like I maybe know the name combination I like but I have to see baby AND I have to get Tyler to agree.

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