Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Drug Free Labor?

What is the definition of a drug free labor? To me, the most obvious answer is no drugs. However I find that for some reason, others define it differently.
-Some define it as no epidural but access to other drugs (such as narcotics & sleep aids).
-Some define it as no epidural or narcotics (but sleep aids okay).


  1. Danielle12:13 PM

    My drug free labor was entirely drug free. I didn't have laughing gas, narcotics, sleep aids, an epidural or anything else.

  2. I had a friend who said she had a natural labor but they gave her something to help her sleep...I'm not sure what that would be.

  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I tried laughing gas as that is all they would offer me being there wasn't time for anything else, but within 5-10 mins of trying the stuff it just made me feel SO jumpy and on edge that I stopped using it... I hated it!

  4. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I had a drug-free labour. However, after 18 hours of labour, and no sleep, the give me an anti-histamine so I could sleep in between contractions. I'm talking 3 minutes of sleep at a time. I woke up every single contraction and dozed off as soon as it was over. That kept effect for about 4 hours. But that did not assist in the pain or the labour, only my exhaustion. So I don't count it. ;-) (And I still had another 6 hours more of labour after it wore off.)
    - Diana
