Monday, January 04, 2010

happy new year!

I promised myself I'd make more posts, so here I am, typing one handed so that I can use my breast pump & type a blog @ the same time lol I scheduled myself massage for four today as tyler doesn't go back to work until tonight & I really, really need this massage. Dexter & I have been co-sleping which is great for bonding and the amount of sleep I usually get BUT leads to many numb limbs and sore, crampy muscles. This massage should do wonders!
(I'm taking a brief pumping break & I can type WAY faster with two hands ha ha)
Okay, I have much to share about my holidays but little time so instead I will leave you with an obervation: I was shopping the baby formula section (as I like to have a can around for emergencies) and was contemplating buying soy as Dex didn't seem to like the last formula much so I thought I'd try soy. When deciding between brands I decided to look at the you know what was listed as the FIRST ingredient of every brand of soy formula? Not soy, but corn syrup. A crying baby awoke, so I have to leave you to ponder the sense of that by yourselves...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    we were given a can of the enfamil A+ (small can), and I think there is 1 bottle's worth left now, 7 1/2 months later lol, and 90% of the bottles we made we didn't even use - they were more for 'just in case'... I always made it back in time. Needless to say I am glad the stuff was free! From this point on we will just get the premade milk in the cans for babysitters because I don't need a whole can of forumla anymore.. as of 9 months it's considered "safe" to give them homo milk so instead of wasting a can of powdered milk.. you get the picture i'm sure.

    Interesting that corn syrup is the first ingredient?wonder why?
